View Full Version : Autoglym issues and Q`s from a newbie

04-05-2005, 05:27 AM
I experienced the AG SRP and EGP at the weekend whilst helping a friend (Tony) detail his beetle.

I had previously advised Tony to try using a foam applicator to apply (obviously!) and Microfibre to remove as he was suffering with terrible dusting. Having just checked the AG website is says apply with 100% cotton cloth - would a Megs terry towel be OK to use?

When I arrived Tony had already SRP`d the whole car with the foam pad and the pad was VERY black - is this normal with SRP?

After the SRP had cured and been removed, I thought I would experiment with DC3 over the top - WORDS OF ADVICE: DON`T TRY THIS AT HOME! The DC3 just didn`t seem to bond to the SRP at all. I`d read on here to try topping AG with carnuba but it didn`t work for me at all.

What`s everyone elses procedure with AG products?



04-05-2005, 05:41 AM
I apply both SRP and EGP and remove with Microfibers.

To avoid dusting apply really thin. I used to get dusting when using to much product.

The pad will change colour on single stage paints.

I also normally do a panel at a time with SRP.

Have had no problems topping SRP or EGP with any off the waxes I have?

04-05-2005, 06:48 AM
with the pad being black, SRP works similar to AIO, thus a chemical cleaner, i spose it could be possible that is also a cause. if it was an old bettle, it would be single stage and thus you would lose a *very small* layer of paint, and you would see it on the pad as richt said.

i never had any problems with carnuba topping... i usually use souveran over EGP... no probs..

04-05-2005, 07:17 AM
Sorry, I should have explained in depth more. The pad was black with what looked like dirt - I assumed it wasnt dirt though as the car had been thoroughly cleaned beforehand. The paint is metallic purple, therefore with a CC and was painted in the last 5 years.

Rich - on Saturday you mentioned using Medallion to remove the AG. Do you know if DC1 would be strong enough to do the same?



04-05-2005, 07:22 AM
I wouldn`t say that SRP was a chemical cleaner as I always find it a little abrasive, though perhaps on reflection it is both.

I suppose it depends how well it had been cleaned beforehand, certainly sounds as though the SRP was removing additional dirt to me, and no I`ve never had a problem with topping it.

04-05-2005, 07:28 AM
The SRP is more abbrassive than Say AIO, you can here the cut in it when you apply. It is still very mild though.

When I polished my dads car for the first time (silver clear coated) the pad became very dirty from the in-grained dirt it lift.

Megs MPPC and Swirl free polish both take AG off so that the paint becomes squeaky clean, DC1 should do the same as its supposed to be close to MPPC.

04-05-2005, 08:24 AM
Did he clay before the SRP?

Re: EGP... I like to transfer my EGP to a spray bottle which I then use to squirt an applicator pad. I use this to apply the product to the paint.

Also, you can apply EGP over hazed (unremoved) SRP and then wipe off the cured products together with a MF although I haven`t tried this myself.

I`d try and wait 24hrs before applying a topper over EGP, it seems to perform best when it has been undisturbed for a little while.

Hope this helps!

04-05-2005, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by nogrille

I had previously advised Tony to try using a foam applicator to apply (obviously!) and Microfibre to remove as he was suffering with terrible dusting. Having just checked the AG website is says apply with 100% cotton cloth - would a Megs terry towel be OK to use?

A foam applicator is better than terry cotton. However, cotton has more bite, therefore, will clean the paint better.

When I arrived Tony had already SRP`d the whole car with the foam pad and the pad was VERY black - is this normal with SRP?

Yes, it`s normal. SRP contains both chemical and mechanical cleaners. The pad going black is a good thing. It means SRP is doing its job. It also means your friends paint had lots of ingrained dirt/contaminants which normal washing won`t remove.

After the SRP had cured and been removed, I thought I would experiment with DC3 over the top - WORDS OF ADVICE: DON`T TRY THIS AT HOME! The DC3 just didn`t seem to bond to the SRP at all. I`d read on here to try topping AG with carnuba but it didn`t work for me at all.

What was the trouble it caused?

04-05-2005, 09:47 AM
no claying. The paint is relatively smooth but there is the occasional piece of crud / contamination.

Thanks for all the replies. A good session with the DC1 and a claying is next on the list.



04-05-2005, 02:00 PM
Let the clay remove all the crud :up In the last few years I have tried various wax`s over EGP and never had any problems.

My knowledge of Meguairs consumer range is poor but I thought DC1 was a cleaner/polish?

I still use a foam pad to apply SRP (by hand)

04-05-2005, 02:08 PM
Paul - try using a damp MF pad (the square blue ones from Alex) to apply SRP - I found this reduces dusting considerably.

I`ve not used EGP for a long time so can`t give any useful ideas - it`s something I plan on revisiting on an ML I have to do in a fortnight`s time.

04-05-2005, 02:18 PM
Using a spray bottle really does help getting a very thin layer of EGP