View Full Version : Black Car-Clouds in paint, help!

Florida Chris
04-04-2005, 03:51 PM
OK, I just found this site. Clearly I should have looked things up beforehand since I have never had a black car before...well so be it...here`s my problem:

I took delivery of a beautiful new black SL65AMG about a month ago. I figured I`d put a coat of wax on it yesterday and now "Houston we have a problem". I washed with Dawn first to remove anything the dealer may have put on the car, and since it was new I skipped the clay and put a coat of NXT Tech wax on with my Porter. I wiped of with a soft terry towel (two stages) and everything looked and felt great under the florescent lights in my garage. Now, today parked out in the sun I see cloudiness in the paint. ***? What have I done wrong? Suggestions to correct? HELP!

04-04-2005, 04:04 PM
just throwing out a suggestion.

maybe you didn`t completely wipe off all of the NXT? like sometimes under the garage light it looks like we wiped off everything, only to see that we missed a spot when we pull out into the sunlight. did you try to wipe those cloudy spots? if it`s not that, then i`m not sure. maybe taking a picture and posting it might help.

what kind of pad did you use with your Porter to apply the NXT? and what speed?

lastly, claying a new car is good cause sometimes new cars have rail dust, surface contaminents from transporting and sitting on the dealers lot. once you clay, you don`t have to clay for a while. also, microfiber towels are usually better for your paint than a terry towel, less chance of the paint being scratched.

just a couple suggestions in helping you keep your beautiful sl65 AMG looking good. :xyxthumbs

04-04-2005, 04:44 PM
I suggest a gentle paint cleaner, such as Meguiars Medallion Premium Paint Cleaner.

Florida Chris
04-04-2005, 04:49 PM
Yes, I would say it does look like I didn`t get all the wax off, but when I rub it again now, I can`t get any improvement. Here`s a photo that I have seriously enhanced. Obviously not true color, but if you look real close you will see what I am talking about.

Maybe I should just start all over. Recommendations for a new black car if I do? What takes NXT off?

04-04-2005, 04:59 PM
Sorry I can`t be any help.

I thought this was a joke - clouds in paint.

A few years ago, I wa polishing my Porsche 944 outside. I kept noticing light and dark patchs. I rubbed and rubbed, and re-applied polish. Then I finall noticed the splotches were moving.

I finally realized I was seeing the reflection of the clouds and bright blue sky in the paint. :)

Anyway, best of luck with a great car.

Eliot Ness
04-04-2005, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by Florida Chris

......Maybe I should just start all over. Recommendations for a new black car if I do? What takes NXT off?

Try a paint cleaner (Klasse AIO is one very good choice that always seems to come in handy) and just do one panel where you notice the problem. If that clears it up then you can do the rest of the car.

If you decide to do the whole car then you might want to clay it first like hirosh suggested. You should also consider buying some quality MF`s to work with on your black paint. The cheap ones are OK for door jambs, wheels, etc., but use the "good ones" for your paint. Here are two sources:



Both offer great products along with great service. If you order from PakShak e-mail him first and ask about the Autopia discount.

EDIT: After thinking about this for a few more minutes, you could just try more NXT on a single panel and see how that goes. NXT does have some mild cleaners in it and if it is your wax it may even it out. Make sure you shake it up well before and during use!

04-04-2005, 10:09 PM
Chris what was the build date of the new car .. The reason I ask is yesterday I had a friend come up with a new black Acord and when he pulled up along side my 3 year old Passat he said .. Holy Crap!! Does your black ever look purer/clearer than mine .. We took a close look and his clear was hazed just like ozidization. I light rub of AIO cleaned 95% of it up .. We will polish it out soon as the weather clears up some.

I am just wondering if it sat somewhere for a bit or the dealers prep guy used something that hazed it.

Just a thought.

Florida Chris
04-11-2005, 05:27 PM
Thanks guys for your suggestions. I have received the products I ordered, and applied them to my car. NO MORE CLOUDS! Thank you very much!

-Dawn wash with filtered water

-AIO applied w PC

-SG (first coat only)

-Everything dried or buffed w Sonus MF Towels


Can`t wait to get more coats of SG on.

Thanks again!

04-11-2005, 05:56 PM
heh heh, i bet the only clouds on your paint now are reflections. :D

i`m glad to hear that everything worked out great. :)

04-11-2005, 06:47 PM
When i applied nxt on my black car, it hazed some part of the paint that i could not get off with rubbing. A quick wash removed the hazing. Make sure when you apply NXt, apply it really light. I found that if you apply nxt too thick, it hazes. Also, allow nxt to fully dry before buffing.