View Full Version : SG and Z2

04-01-2005, 08:39 PM
Hi All,

Can you apply Z2, instead of wax, over Klaase SG??


04-01-2005, 11:57 PM
people apply Z2 over AIO so i suppose it would work over SG as well

04-02-2005, 12:01 AM
Not sure, give it a try and let us know!

04-02-2005, 12:12 AM
No offense intended, but why would you want to bother? Z2 will outlast SG and the gloss on Z2 is probably better too.

04-02-2005, 01:21 AM
I emailed Sal Zaino and asked him that very question about the Z2 over AIO. I`ve been a Klasse twins/P21S addict for years & I just made the switch to Zaino. Sal ( who I`ve never met ) replied that any of the "Z" products should not be used over Klasse products. He didn`t say why, though.............

****updated 4/2/05*******

Serwaxalot, here...............I`m updating this little ditty as of 5:20pm.........

I received an email from Sal Zaino earlier today letting me know that Zaino CAN be used over AIO provided you wash your car/truck with Dawn or Z7 after the AIO is applied inorder to prep the paint for Zaino. He asked me to change the above portion of this thread reply so I`m honnoring his request!

A few days ago when I emailed Sal with some Zaino questions( using a different screen name) I thought his answer to the AIO/Zaino question was not to use Zaino with AIO. Apparently I was wrong. Sorry for the confusion and misinformation, Sal!! Now as for the Zaino over SG?????????????

04-02-2005, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by serwaxalot

I emailed Sal Zaino and asked him that very question about the Z2 over AIO. I`ve been a Klasse twins/P21S addict for years & I just made the switch to Zaino. Sal ( who I`ve never met ) replied that any of the "Z" products should not be used over Klasse products. He didn`t say why, though.............

I can`t say I agree with that since I just did my car w/ Z2Pro over AIO and it came out better than w/ Z alone. Many other people here on the boards have had similarly good experiences w/ AIO as a base for Zaino. I`d be interested to hear what Sal`s reasoning is.

As far as Z2 over SG, I have to agree w/ termigator. Zaino and SG are both meant to be LSPs so I don`t see a theoretical benefit in layering them. Choosing one over the other depending on what effect you want to achieve would be more effective cost and time-wise IMO.

04-02-2005, 04:55 PM
Thanks to all who replied.

Since I`m still learning, I`d thought I would ask. I have used Zaino for 2 years now and still have plenty of product left.

I guess I should have stated that in my original post.

Thanks again,


04-02-2005, 05:00 PM
Sorry I didn`t include this in my last post.

I`m going to use Zaino on my truck and the Sonus/Klaase on our Saab 93.

I have a feeling I will be Happy either way!


04-02-2005, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by ogie_s

I can`t say I agree with that since I just did my car w/ Z2Pro over AIO and it came out better than w/ Z alone. Many other people here on the boards have had similarly good experiences w/ AIO as a base for Zaino. I`d be interested to hear what Sal`s reasoning is.

I have discussed this with Sal and he states one reason is that acrylics tend to darken or yellow over time because of UV exposure. This feature would take away from from the clarity and trueness to color hue which he designed his product to have. The other and main reason is that Zaino polishes are designed to bond most efficiently to the paint directly and any product including AIO places a barrier between the Zaino sealant and the paint. These are the two of the reasons why Sal does not recommend this popular prep step, even though it seems to work in terms of appearance but may not maximize one of the major function of Zaino or any LSP - protection.

If one desires to augment appearance that Zaino impacts (gloss, reflectivity and wetness) to the SG, just realize that your true protective coat is SG and your beautification topper is Z.

04-03-2005, 08:01 PM
Quote:I have discussed this with Sal and he states one reason is that acrylics tend to darken or yellow over time because of UV exposure.blkZ28Conv

I have no idea as to wither Klasse would/would not be detrimental to Zanio products durability, but IMO it does improve its optics (but understand that *my personal bias* is â€Ëœhow a product looksâ€â„¢ not how long it lasts


04-03-2005, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by TOGWT

Quote:but understand that *my personal bias* is â€Ëœhow a product looksâ€â„¢ not how long it lasts


Gee, I couldnt have said that any better:bow

04-04-2005, 06:48 AM
Originally posted by TOGWT

I have no idea as to wither Klasse would/would not be detrimental to Zanio products durability, but IMO it does improve its optics (but understand that *my personal bias* is â€Ëœhow a product looksâ€â„¢ not how long it lasts


Appearance is sooooo personal and many mixture of products, sometimes rather strange ones, can produce some personally pleasing results. :cool:

The question was asked why Sal does not recommend anything between the paint and his product. In this case it was SG that was in question.

I just do not want people who do have a preference for durability to take this internet recommended procedure as a recommendation for both appearance and durability when the manufacturer (Sal) does not endorse this procedure and his reasons why.

These two products may be perfectly compatible (bonding) with no change on the durability side of the equation, but why would Zaino bother to invest time and money to see if it is if his appearance goals (i.e. clarity & color trueness) for his product is compromised by this protocol.

04-04-2005, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by blkZ28Conv

These two products may be perfectly compatible (bonding) with no change on the durability side of the equation, but why would Zaino bother to invest time and money to see if it is if his appearance goals (i.e. clarity & color trueness) for his product is compromised by this protocol.

I think this is the central reason why so many people have a "product purist" approach to detailing. This is not inappropriate. So many Autopians want to do the detail in a guaranteed effective way. Most people do not have the time to experiment. I am glad to see acknowledgement that there are other choices out there, and that people are not nessesarily locked into a "system" approach at all. You are correct in stating the obvious, that it makes no sense for a business to test reliability with a competitors product, unless his product has a dependancy on the other product. Thank you for the insight !:xyxthumbs