View Full Version : didn`t have too much luck with AIO

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03-30-2005, 09:50 PM
ok, i washed my dark blue scion tC, handwash, the usuall, with microfiber mitt. then i clayed it with clay magic clay bar and lube, i swear it totally put some swirls in my car, i used plenty of lube and kneaded the clay around twice per panel.

then, i didn`t know what to do. i had all this clay residue on my car...i decided to just wipe it off with water and a waffle weave towel. now that my car was totally dry, i went to put all in wonder on. i didn`t know how much to use, but i followed the directions. except that i didn`t dampen my cloth before i applied it. it looked ok, but it sure doesn`t do anything for swirl marks at all! even the super super light ones. so i thought i was doing it wrong, so i read the instructions again, and i damped the cloth, applied a dime size amount for half the hood...man, this made it look like crap, it dried to a haze right away, so i took a microfiber cloth and buffed that off, it looked bad, swirls still there and now the surface was a little more hazy on the half of the hood that had been treated with the damp cloth and aio.

i gave up for tonight....what did i do wrong?

also, please tell me i will get a better shine when i put s100 wax on.


03-30-2005, 09:57 PM
OK we need to go over everything you did some time you do get marring from clay but it can be fixed what kind of MF do you have wally world ones??? please give as must info as possible AIO is a great clean but doesn`t to much for swirls by hand..

03-30-2005, 10:09 PM
i got my microfiber cloths off ebay. they aren`t the best, but they certainly aren`t the worst, i`ve felt the difference.

what can i do for swirl, by hand? nothing?

03-30-2005, 10:20 PM
could be putting it on too thick ?

03-30-2005, 10:21 PM
how thick/thin should i put it on...i used a dime size amount for half my hood...is that too much?

Ben Kenobi
03-30-2005, 10:24 PM
As Patrick said, we`ll need some more details. I just did AIO by had today with a terry type application pad that was damp and didn`t have any problems. It took off any clay residue and did remove some fine scratches. Not sure what went wrong with your application.


03-30-2005, 11:47 PM
maybe i didn`t shake it up enough....i`ll try again tomorrow

03-30-2005, 11:50 PM
I had a haze occur once from AIO. I was using a Meg`s 8006 polishing pad on my PC. Then I got out a Propel polishing pad and went over it again with AIO, and the haze was gone. :nixweiss

03-31-2005, 12:01 AM
I wonder, what grade of clay bar did you use? Was it a fine clay, or medium grade ? It sounds as if somehow an abrasive process was introduced. Since you had residue, it could be not enough lubrication was used? It is hard to say what the problem could be.

I know its better to resolve the problem before you wax. Maybe try to be a bit more generous in your use of the AIO, work it a bit more.... I always used more AIO and was very light with the SG. The AIO is supposed to be rounding the small micro-scratches, maybe you need more product on the paint.... Just a guess.:nixweiss

03-31-2005, 12:47 AM
Everyone here seems to be applying AIO with a PC. Is that a prerequisite...or can it be applied by hand?


03-31-2005, 12:51 AM
It can be applied by hand.

03-31-2005, 01:12 AM
You`d be better off getting a swirl remover, Scratch-X is a popular OTC-hand applied product that`s around $6.99 at Wally-World.

03-31-2005, 05:59 AM
xnevergiveinx, I`m not trying to be critical but the fact that you have substantial clay residue implies that you didn`t use enough lube, pressed too hard, or you went beyond the lube `boundary` as you clayed. Also, if you clay in straight lines any micro-marring induced will be less visible rather than in swirls. The same goes for washing...never move your mitt in circles...always back-and-forth in straight lines.

I know that doesn`t help your present situation but it`s good for all to know for future use.

OK, now for your present situation. Firstly, don`t panic...we will help you. Secondly, more information is needed.

Wash mitts, washing technique, drying, claying, applying sealant/waxes can *all* induce marring if used incorrectly, or if low quality products are used. I guess I`m saying that the swirls could`ve been introduced at all the above stages today or in the past, and have accumulated.


1) How dirty was the car when you washed? A MF mitt can induce swirls...I`d switch to a lambswool mitt on dark colours.

2) You say you applied AIO with a `cloth`...what sort of `cloth` was it?

3) You can`t always `feel the difference` with MF cloths. Some feel soft but scratch and are visible on dark colours. How hard did you press on the MF when attempting to remove the AIO haze?

4) Did you try to remove the AIO residue with a damp MF followed by a dry MF?

Lets start with these. :D

03-31-2005, 12:53 PM
1) it was fairly clean, it just had some dust on it and a couple of thin mud streaks by the wheels

2) it was a microfiber cloth, what should it be applied with?

3) i don`t press hard at all, i let it glide over the surface

4) i actually gave up and left the aio residue, today, i wiped it off with a damp microfiber and let it air dry.

then i applied aio, turns out i didn`t shake it up enough, thats why i got such a crappy inconsistancy with it and that wierd hazing.

my car looks great now, i need to order some s100 wax and apply that and i`ll be all set. i feels smooth as glass. can i let aio sit for a week or so by itself while i wait for my wax to come in?

03-31-2005, 01:06 PM
also, scion paint is terrible...if you need proof,


it`s so thin...thats probably whyy i have swirls