View Full Version : Starting a business

03-30-2005, 03:03 PM
I sure am glad I found this forum. I am interested in starting my own detailing business to make a little money while I am at college. A little background information for you all: I am still living at home going to a community college as i just graduated high school last year. I live in Florida, so there is no snow to mess with detailing. I have detailed my parents cars for a about 3 years now and my own car for two years (since ive had it.). I have a porter cable buffer, rags, window cleaner, business cards etc. My training has come from my uncle who has done detailing for around 15 years (just got out of hte business). Cars i have worked on are as follows: 2005 BMW x3, 2003 Land Rover Discover SE7, 2002 Mercedes C, 1999 Dodge Durango (those four cars are past and present parent`s cars). I have done two different Lexus Rx300`s, a White 2001 Chevy truck, Volkswagen Cabrio, and a few jap beaters.

I am not trying to make a living off of the money, but would like to get up to around 200 dollars or so a week in sales to help pay for books and such for college. My first question is: How shall i go about puting flyers or business cards on doors of houses in a neighborhood near me (rich people) or rather how should i advertise myself.

There is alittle catch to my business, i have in my pocket right now about 20 dollars and thats it. I have let myself get to the point of having no money and not being able to find a decent paying job (im not gonna work for 6 bucks an hour) in my area.

How important is it that i get my business registered and insured right away? I know its important, but i cant do it right off the bat. I know what i am doing on the job and have faith that i will not screw up someones car. My business will be mobile, as in, i will go to their house and wash their cars, but need their water (ill supply the hose)... is this really looked down upon? This is a start, i have a few more questions, but would like to get a response from what i have already written. Thank you for taking the time to read and respond.


03-30-2005, 03:53 PM
Is this post better suited somewhere else?

03-30-2005, 10:13 PM
Originally posted by Gdub

and a few jap beaters.



03-30-2005, 10:17 PM
Where in Florida....

03-31-2005, 12:07 PM

03-31-2005, 12:10 PM
have it moved to the professonial detalilers forum, it will be better there.

03-31-2005, 12:17 PM
Detailers don`t use "rags."

03-31-2005, 12:27 PM
Some good advice is simply to hang around Autopia for awhile, read through the various threads and just stock up on knowledge. The Help section on the top of the page contains some useful articles as well.

Good Luck