View Full Version : Tips for working with Porter Cable?

03-30-2005, 02:08 AM
I tried my Porter Cable recently on my mom`s VW and my Camaro with mixed results. I used Meg`s #83 DACP with an orange cutting pad and it looks better, but not quite the perfect results I was hoping for. I worked the DACP in VERY well on the hood of the VW and it didn`t remove the marks I was hoping to get out. Should I be using a more abrasive polish? From what I`ve heard, #83 helps to cut into the clear A LOT better than my recent experience tells me.

03-30-2005, 05:22 AM
DACP and a cutting pad is about as aggresive as you can get on a PC. Make sure you work the DACP in really well and work in small 2x2 sections. If you fail to remove the defects at your first attempt procede with a second pass with the same combination. After DACP and a cutting pad you will probably need a finer polish and pad such as #82 and a polishing pad. Work the #82 similar to DACP and that should leave the paintwork ready for your LSP.

If all of the above fails I think a rotary polisher would be needed.

Dont give up yet go and give the PC another try.

03-30-2005, 06:36 AM
Work DACP in really well, but when you see it starting to dust wipe off.

Press down harder at first, then after a few passes, lighten up on the pressure.

On a medium blue, i can goto my LSP with DACP and an orange pad...

03-30-2005, 07:10 AM
I have both rotary and PC and I`ll tell you working with abused cars the rotary take the cake hands down say that you really need to watch you self (burned though the clear coat in a tiny spot on the fender) If these are your own car take your time and work on it. Rome wasn`t built in a day.. and it didn`t take a day for your car to get like that... most places I had trouble was the hood so i plan to attack them again in a week or too and knock the scratches down again.. keep at it it will come.

03-30-2005, 08:24 AM
I was going to try and remove the swirls from my dark blue paint this weekend. Is the Meg`s #83 DACP better thatn the Medernza IP? If so is the Meg`s available in most autoparts stores?