View Full Version : To Tape....or what

12-01-2004, 08:41 PM
Ok now that i detail more and more I find my self trying to buy more and more supplys. Well one question is that do yall tape ALOT. I mean on my mom`s tahoe she has a fare amount of black trim. I dont realize it at the time but polish or wax and so on will build up on the trim. I will put trim dressing on it but them in a few days it the dressing will be gone and the wax will show.Should i just tape up the car or is there something i can do to clean it off after words. I dont know what to do. Also i have posted this before i will put Ex-p on my car and i believe i wipe it all off then i look the next day and it just pops up. I dunno. Also My realitives will be in town soon and i will be detailing cars. First off, i am fixing to order stuff off the net. First I need more wax. i curentally use Ex-p but there might be better out there. Also i need a more agressive polish than SSR1, to be honest the PC and LC pads, i cant really tell much difference, but it might be the polish agressiveness. Also need a trim/tire/wheel well product. also a need another Mf WW. not top of the line just something that works. On a budget. Also for the wax i need to use a carnuba, i like the ExP polymer but didnt like the cure time. Also i tired the PB interior Dressing and wasnt empressed. Is there a Tire/wheel well/interior dressing/trim. Also i curentally use the Turtle Wax cash wash. is there better for the money.Thanks ALOT of ????? Also i bought some cheap cotton diaper cloth at auto zone but they just seem to spear the water around when drying. HUMm

12-01-2004, 09:49 PM
Whoa... i`ll answer what I can...

I hear that AIO is good for trim, cleans it up/removes residue. I have never tried it though.

I ALWAYS tape trim. I fudged my own car when i didnt tape so now i dont take chances.

For a new polish here is my suggestion.
If you like SSR1, move up to SSR 2.5 it is supposed to remove about any swirl you can throw at it.
I myself like the Menzerna intensive polish. It`s done alot for me with my car, and if you have ever seen Sean`s work (GSRSTILEZ) with menzerna and a rotary, you know its off the hook. So for polishing i`d say use your SSR 2.5/Menzerna IP/Whatever you buy first. Then polish again using SSR1 to remove any minor swirls left over.

Wax is tricky.
A good SUPER durable paste wax is meguiars #16 and i know its relatively cheap at www.autopia-carcare.com
Just to tell you, my experience with Meguiars 16 has been excellent. It leaves an awesome depth of reflection and is very very smooth.
Another superb carnauba is Poorboys Nattys Paste wax, which is about as wet a wax finish as i`ve ever found.

Also i just bought two waffle weave purple passion drying towels from autopia for 13.25 one is like a beach towel and the other is a handtowel (theyre in the garage sale section)

I hear the 4* carwash is good along with the NXT wash.

I always use zymol wash though, because i got a deal :naughty :naughty

Happy detailing!