View Full Version : First PC experience

03-20-2005, 05:46 PM
Just got my PC last week and my friend volunteered his Hyundai Elantra as a guinea pig. His car had never been properly cleaned before so we figured it`d be a good test case.

When we first started, the car was really dirty but the paint didn`t seem that bad at first:



But then after washing we saw all of these dings and scratches on all of the doors. The rear right-side door here is just one example but the other three were similarly scuffed up:


After several hours work we ended up with this:



And the same door above after using the PC:



Unfortunately, due to time constraints I wasn`t able to finish doing the whole car with the PC just the worst parts but the change in the doors was enough to make me and my friend happy. Needless to say, I still need more practice though and I`m hoping I can get better with time :)

Many thanks to the autopians who answered my questions and gave me the tips I needed to get to this point!

03-20-2005, 06:12 PM
Nice job, thanks for the pics!!!

03-20-2005, 06:17 PM
Looks like you made a good first effort ogie_s ... great job :xyxthumbs

I can see AIO on the floor, what other products did you use, and your process ?

03-20-2005, 09:35 PM
Thanks for the encouraging remarks, guys!

I washed the car with Dawn first then clayed all the panels. Then I started off with Menzerna IP to get out the worst marks and followed with FP II. Because my friend had to leave I only had time to put AIO on top after re-washing the car with Z7 - too bad `cause I wanted to see how Z2 Pro would have enhanced things.

Maybe next time.