View Full Version : `Strata` compounds

04-27-2003, 07:50 PM
I had some Strata 1000 laying around the house, and thought I`d give it a try. Using the wife`s Jeep as a guinea pig, I broke out the PC & a cutting pad.

I don`t often do the Jeep, I really hated trying to use the GEM on all of those sharp edges & angles. As a result, the Jeep is in terrible shape.

Just in case I screwed something up, I worked on the top, where noone would see.

I put a couple of small dabs on the pad and starting at setting 3 went at it. After a few minutes, I kicked it up to 4.5 Once I felt I`d buffed enough. I wiped off the remaining residue, and put some #82 on another cutting pad. After a few minutes (about 10 minutes for both steps combined) I buffed off the #82 residue.

I think I might buy some more Strata, maybe more 1000, or perhaps some 1500 or 2000.

You have to remember that I just switched to the PC & foam pads after using a GEM & terrycloth for years. I do think that the foam pads really reduce the cutting power of the products & at times the need for something with some real bite is needed.

Do I have anything to back up my opinions? Sure, check this out....

04-27-2003, 07:51 PM
See what I mean?