View Full Version : Help with Finish

03-20-2005, 12:45 AM
Have the basics what would you guys use to finish my rig?

Tires, Interior. chrome ect.`

Plan on using Zaino for the paint.

03-20-2005, 01:24 AM
Does you rig have swirls or dullness? What products do you have? How much time do you want to spend? If your here you must not care and only care about the outcome.

I suggest clay, Sonus Paint Cleaner, Sonus SFX-3 (restore shine), Klasse AIO, Klasse SG and then P21S or Souveran Carnuba Wax.

For chrome I suggest for chrome or other metals to polish is simichrome (eastwood.com). I suggest AIO for cleaning and light polishing. SG for protecting.

For interior I suggest 303 for rubber, vinyl and leather for the best cleaning and protection. I really like Megs Medallion Leather Cleaner Conditioner. For windows I suggest AIO.

Some tricks. Apply SG and leave on for 24 hrs to allow to totally cure. Unbelievable coating, and adds longevity to SG (6 to 8 months). I apply 3 coats that way. Then in between the 6 months I just apply P21S in between.

I`ll check back.

03-20-2005, 08:07 AM
No swirls/dullness, it`s brand new. Just got it the end of Feb.

I do care, thats why I`m asking. Just want to know what are the best products, available today.

03-20-2005, 09:52 PM
Nice! I would clay, paint cleaner, AIO, SG then P21S or Souveran. That will keep your paint looking new and shinner then hell. autopia-carcare.com has great how to`s also. Stuff I didn`t learn on the forum. It greater detail.

03-20-2005, 11:13 PM
if the truck is a daily driver i`d stick with the Zaino

03-21-2005, 08:40 PM
It doesn`t matter if it`s a daily driver. If you driving it everyday you have to be seen in it everyday. Plus, it gets dirter so it needs more protection.