View Full Version : How do I fix this?

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imported_Mighty HD
03-19-2005, 10:16 PM
This is my other car. My wife drives it and it shows. ;) It was re-painted three years ago using PPG paint @ a lincon dealer. It was painted the same color, black. The car is a 98 grand am GT 4 door sedan. I took these pictures tonight because it seems to make the swirls stand out more.

I swear since it was re-painted, the thing swirls like crazy. Before I knew better I always re-used a sponge that sat outside in a dirty bucket, waxed with rags/washcloths :rolleyes: , dried the car with towels we dried the kitchen floor with, etc. I even used an old windshiled wiper as a squeegee. It worked but the swirls have never been this bad.

I tried a spot with Menzerna FP II earlier with a green pad. It did not seem to do much to the surface, I tried several more attempts with little change. I`d like to get as much of the swirls out as I can, without harming the paint.

Tomorrow (Sunday) I was planning to FP II, Glaze, and FMJ (All Menzerna) on the finish. Now I think the FP II is not going to cut it. I need to do this tomorrow, so what can I get over the counter that will work? Meguiars professional line has a few things at pepboys ..I THINK it`s swirl remover 2.0, and #2 fine cut.

Can I use the #2 or #9? Can I use just one or the other, and follow it up with FP II, then glaze, etc????

I am using propel pads so direct me as to what pads to use--I have every color

:nixweiss Help me out I`m lost.

Here`s some pics.

:shocked :sosad




imported_Mighty HD
03-19-2005, 10:22 PM




03-19-2005, 10:39 PM
Looking at the pics, might as well try Meguiars Pro Line #83. It`s their strongest (I think) and it should work with a bit more severe swirls.

03-19-2005, 10:39 PM
I`m not sure about the #2 or #9, I don`t have any experience with those products. I have used some 3M products though.

I would look at the 3M line. Perfect-It fine cut compound might be just what you need.

Finesss It II machine polish might be to mild of a polish to fix this. You might want to try Perfect-It rubbing compound. From what I have read this is a very aggressive polish so be careful.

Hopefully Accumulator will chime in, he has a lot of experience with 3M polishes.

03-19-2005, 10:42 PM
if you want to use something local. id go either DACP, 80 or 3mrc. I dont think the Megs 9 will do any good, sorry but i havent tried the No2 sorry. But if it were me id go Menzerna IP, then FPII. The FPII is more of a finessing polish and doesnt really remove swirls, maybe some hazine but it wont remove any swirls.

Id start with some kind of pad thats as aggressive as lets say a CMA orange pad and work your way up from there.

03-19-2005, 10:47 PM
#2 oughta do the trick. Its is pretty aggressive. It is said to be more aggressive than 83 but doesnt show on the meguiars aggressiveness scale. Just be known that it is for rotary use only.

imported_Mighty HD
03-19-2005, 10:51 PM
So what If I use #2 on the PC?

I should have bought some IP but I didnt think I`d need it. Live and learn.

If they have 3m I`ll try that. Do I use a green or orange propel pad?

03-19-2005, 11:06 PM
Mighty HD,

I am not familiar with the propel pads. (Sorry about that) I would try the finishing pad first and if that isn`t doing the job then switch to a polishing pad.

Start with the least abrasive/aggressive product and pad and increase the abrasiveness/aggressiveness as needed to remove the swirls and scratches.

*IMHO* Some scratches are not worth removing as you will have to remove to much paint. Try to minimize them.

03-19-2005, 11:09 PM
For detailed advise on how to use the 3M polishes PM Accumulator he is super helpful and very knowledgable.

Eliot Ness
03-19-2005, 11:43 PM
I would start with the green pad and then move to the orange if needed (it will depend on what compound you wind up using).

The two 3M polishes I would recommend are PI III RC (the newer VOC friendly version is PI 3000 RC) followed with PI III MG (the newer VOC version is PI 3000 SMR). The RC will be about as aggressive as DACP (Meg`s #83) and the MG/SMR about equal to Meg`s #80.

FP II is way too mild to handle those defects, but the 3M compounds I mentioned are a great combo to have on hand.

I`ve never used Meg`s #2, but I know it`s recommended for use with a rotary. I believe some have used it with a PC, but why risk it when there are plenty of other polishes available (Meg`s 83/80 and the 3M RC/MG) that work great with the PC.

imported_Mighty HD
03-20-2005, 08:40 AM
Well I`m off to pepgirls. I`ll see what they have, hopefully they have some 3m products that will work. If not I"ll have to put this off until next weekend. I`ll keep you posted.

03-20-2005, 08:44 AM
I was just at pepboys, and they had the 3m pi2 rc. I would advise NOT getting this product.

03-20-2005, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by JBM

I was just at pepboys, and they had the 3m pi2 rc. I would advise NOT getting this product.

why not? I know a few board members have used the PI2 finishing polish ~i dont know if thats the name of it or not. Any way you can always go to Advanced Auto they have the 3M, Meguiars products too.

03-20-2005, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by JBM

I was just at pepboys, and they had the 3m pi2 rc. I would advise NOT getting this product.

If you are refering to 3M Perfect It II Fine Cut Rubbing Compound why NOT get this product? I have and use this product and it`s excellent. It can and will remove most of your defects and leaves a nice finish that only needs a light polish to finish up. It`s down sides are it dusts more than some products but I keep the dust down by not working it too long and misting the pad with water or QD. I would use this product over Megs #83 any day of the week. It has more cut and no fillers. No fillers is important to me at the defect removal stage of the process. I want to see what I actually remove.

imported_Mighty HD
03-20-2005, 05:09 PM
Well here`s the deal. I finished FINALLY. I went to pep boys and bought a small selection. I bought some Meguiars #2, 3m Fine cut compound, and 3m swirl mark remover for dark paint.

I tried all 3 on a grey pad, didnt make a difference. I then tried #2 on a green pad. It helped some. I then went to an orange pad, it helped a bit more, but hazed the paint bad.

So I decided to try the fine cut compound on a green pad. It did a better job than the #2.

Finally I tried the swirl mark remover for dark paint. I first tried it on a green pad and it didn`t do much at all. I then got a yellow pad and that was the trick. I started off on speed 2, then moved it up to speed 5. I kept the surface damp with water & QD. I worked one section at a time until I got the results I wanted. I used a 1,000,000 cp spotlight & a 500w halogen to spot swirls...lol A bit extreme but it worked well.

The paint was hazed a bit, just didnt have any shine. It looked like a faded black car.

From that point I went to the Menzerna line. I used the FP II on a blue pad on speed 4.5 over the car. This really got a shine back, but was still lacking depth.

Once I was finished, I then used the Menzerna Glaze. I used a grey pad on speed 3.5/4.0 This was the trick. The paint was VERY VERY deep, glossey, and black as soot. Just like it used to be.

I topped it with FMJ pulled it out into the sun and wow. Only a VERY few swirls. Nothing like what was there before. I`m totally impressed. I`ll get pics up soon in a new thread.