View Full Version : A few interesting new products....

03-19-2005, 03:07 AM
I visited Autozone and Walmart today, and saw many new products have been released since I last visited.

-Mothers Synwax (autozone)

-Dupont Teflon Wax (walmart)

-Turtle Wax F21 Polish, Super Hard Shell Series (walmart)

-Turtle Wax "WAUD" (autozone)

-Michillin Wheel & Tire stuff (autozone)

I have read some articles about the Synwax on this fourm a few times, how is the durability of it?

I actually bought the Dupont wax, how are the duribility of these?

The TW F21 is probably the old Polish 2001

What are the words on the Turtle Wax WAUD and the michilin stuff?