View Full Version : Plasti-Kote Touch Up Paint Leveler.

03-17-2005, 09:33 AM
I was in Carquest Yesterday in the U.S. and they sell a 1 ounce bottle of Plasti-Kote Touch Up Paint Leveler for about $3.00. It`s basicly a paint thinner used to level the touch up blob so you don`t have to wet sand. Sounds just like Lanka and the Mothers Touch Up kit but cheaper and I don`t have to pay shipping. Has anybody tried this product? How well did it work and how did it compare to Lanka and the Mothers kit? TIA

03-18-2005, 01:31 AM
Anybody try this stuff?

03-18-2005, 01:34 AM
Originally posted by stevet

Anybody try this stuff?

i`m wondering the same thing. also, check out this ..... www.autovisuals.com

03-18-2005, 05:54 AM
I have two bottles and it does work well to level blobs if the paint is still fairly fresh, I`ve only tried it up to 48hr hours after the paint dried. Don`t know if it will work on touch up paint that has dried over a longer period than that.

It does work with the Honda brand touch up paint as well as others I have tried and I use it to clean the touch up brush and thin touch up paint for better application. I have not tried it with spray on touch up paint.

Well worth the few $`s cost IMHO.

03-18-2005, 05:54 AM
I have used both Mothers and Langka; I have not tried the Plasti-kote Kit. I like the langka an mothers stuf so I don`t mind paying the extra amount of $ especially given that one bottle of either goes a long way. But at $3.00 you should buy some and give us a review compared to the other two.

As far as the Autovisual pens ... Yes I tried them aand don`t think they are worth the extra money. I prefer the normal touch-up paint and use a very small brush to do the touch up.