View Full Version : polishing?

03-17-2005, 02:06 AM
im planning of using a clay bar on my car, then i was going to polish then wax... the question i had was what is a good wax to use? im going to hand wax and i want something that will give me a good nice shine :D

Mad iX
03-17-2005, 05:24 AM
There are lots of good waxes out there. What kind of car/paint do you have. Are you looking for protection and durability, a wet look, deep look, etc ...

03-17-2005, 11:21 AM
zaink- with correct preparation (wash, clay, polish) most waxes will give you a good shine (although, and this is very subjective, there are certain waxes / sealants that `look ` better on different colours of paint)


03-17-2005, 11:42 AM
tons of good products-4*UPP,Zaino,Tropicare,Poorboys EX-P are all good looking sealants-Natty`s and S100 are good looking carnaubas

03-17-2005, 12:41 PM
i have a steel blue metallic color car... here is a pic of it (below)... i want my car to have a nice shine to it, with some durabilty

my plan was to wash-clay-polish-wax ... or is it better to wax before polish :nixweiss


03-17-2005, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by zaink

i have a steel blue metallic color car... my plan was to wash-clay-polish-wax ... or is it better to wax before polish :nixweiss

Cool color! I think I`d use something like BF or UPP or WG on that color.

You got it right the first time: wash-clay-polish-wax. The polish will cleaners/abrasives in it, so you don`t want to use that on your wax (lest you take *off* the wax).

If you don`t have any bad marring, you can probably get by with the "pre-wax cleaner" that is made to go with the wax of your choice. BTW, I`m using the term "wax" sorta loosely, as the products I recommended aren`t really "waxes" ;)

If you *do* have some marring, I`d get something like 3m PI-III MG (pn 05937) and use it right after the claying.