View Full Version : How to use Wax-As-U-Dry?

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03-15-2005, 10:05 PM
Here is my dilemma. I`m planning to wax my car (carnauba) monthly. It has 3 Layers of Klasse SG. Between wax applications I`m planning to apply Eagle`s Wax-As-U-Dry to keep some protection and shine, and because is faster than wax the car weekly with carnauba.

I applied WAUD to my other car (it wax not waxed) and the surface was not so smooth as it should have been after WAUD was applied. So the question is how do I apply this product? If I apply it to the wet surface and dry it with a chamois (The Absorber in my case)as the manufacturer suggest, the drying towel will capture the product + the water on the car. Should I apply it to the dry surface with a microfiber, let it dry and buff it (I`m not getting any advace if I do this because I want to give my car a quick wax)? Any suggestion you have or experience with this product will be greatly appreciated. :bow

03-15-2005, 10:52 PM
If you`re going to wax your car monthly, I`d skip the WAUD. I tried it once on my car (which is waxed about every 4-6 weeks) and really couldn`t tell any difference.

Usta HaveA Hemi
03-15-2005, 11:32 PM
I love the product. Of course I am now learning of much better ones. If I don`t use it when I dry I get streaking and water spots. I don`t think it is much of a wax but it sure helps me dry. I think that any detail spray will work as I use it though.

Good luck! Usta

03-15-2005, 11:35 PM
Give it away.


03-15-2005, 11:42 PM
It`s a decent product, good for getting you by until your next full detail. I found it worked best on a wet surface with a couple mists per panel. I does leave a film-like substance on the surface which is a little annoying to deal with, but it will get you by until you can add a layer of wax later on. It`s not the best product ever, but it`s nice to use when you are short on time.

a.k.a. Patrick
03-16-2005, 12:28 AM
I think its a great product. Its a QD on steroids! I even went as far as thinning it out 3:1 and used as a QD. Use full strength on wet surfaces or full strength on dry surface as a QD. $3.97 for 16oz is real hard to beat......

03-16-2005, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by a.k.a. Patrick

I think its a great product. Its a QD on steroids!


I think the stuff is great. Super slick and wet apearance after every use.

I use it after every wash instead of following my wash with a traditional QD. I use it on glass too.

I use a few dedicated drying towels for WAUD instead of my other drying towels since there tends to be a film buildup.

When I wash cars for those who call me, they are amazed at the feel and look of the car and ask if I waxed it too.

NPGNPG, apply a few spritzs per panel when the car is wet and gently buff with a dry quality MF. It`ll absorb the water and product. I follow up with another MF for a quick, few stroke buffing. Do not use a chamois, synthetic towel or an Absorber. Stick with MF`s.

03-16-2005, 01:52 PM
I absolutely love the stuff, and like Patrick suggested, I also dillute it. It makes the world of a difference on our dark colored cars, and makes it extremely slick as to avoid marring from the drying process.

a.k.a. Patrick
03-16-2005, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Mosca

Give it away.


Tom, maybe you set your expectations a little high for it ?? It really is a good product....

03-16-2005, 02:26 PM
its a nice looking product but tends to have a bit of a grabby feel to it with our hard water-i also like NXT Booster and feel it`s an underrated product too

03-16-2005, 02:58 PM
Thanks for your replys guys :up . I`ll use a MF instead of The Absorber then.

03-17-2005, 11:03 AM
Was there ever any other discussion about them ruining MF`s? I remember someone stating that their MF`s would just push water around after using WAUD. I love WAUD, but am a little leary of the towel use after I heard that. I haven`t had a chance to use WAUD again since I read that (QEW, winter time), but spring is upon us and the hose will be out again soon.

03-17-2005, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by n2_space

Was there ever any other discussion about them ruining MF`s? I remember someone stating that their MF`s would just push water around after using WAUD. I love WAUD, but am a little leary of the towel use after I heard that. I haven`t had a chance to use WAUD again since I read that (QEW, winter time), but spring is upon us and the hose will be out again soon.

That is why I use dedicated MF`s for WAUD. After a while the product doesn`t seem to come out when u wash. A little Simple Green soaked in the washing machine with hot and detregent water gets most of it out.

It`s no big deal. Use dedicated MF`s and wash separately.

a.k.a. Patrick
03-17-2005, 11:30 AM

03-17-2005, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Spilchy

........ A little Simple Green soaked in the washing machine with hot and detregent water gets most of it out.

I currently was my MF with Micro Restore. What are the benefits or side affects of using some Simple Green.
