View Full Version : removing holograms

03-15-2005, 08:27 PM
Will a polishing pad and VM be enough remove holograms...or will i have to step up to #80 and a polishing pad. Its just so hard to tell if Ive actually removed them without being in a certain angle of sunlight. they are frustrating to see the least


03-15-2005, 08:28 PM
VM will not be enough, I had to polish some out last week and used IP.

03-15-2005, 08:31 PM
Yeah VM is definitely too mild to remove any swirling or holograms. #80 might do the trick. I have a black truck to detail in the spring that has holograms, and I plan to use SSR2.5 with an orange or yellow Propel pad, then go over it with 3M PI III MG on a polishing pad.

03-15-2005, 08:39 PM
Just like the previous members stated, VM won`t be enough. Try your #80 with a polishing pad and follow with VM and a finishing pad. VM is a glaze so it will fill in any areas that #80 didn`t quite get too well, but if you polish good enough with #80 you *should* get most of it out.

03-15-2005, 08:45 PM
If the swirls are deep enough, you may have to step up to DACP or SSR2.5, then back down to #80.

Make sure you wash the area down well to remove any oils to see if the swirls are actually removed or just filled.

03-16-2005, 11:14 AM
I have gotten holograms out with #80 and an orange pad before.

03-16-2005, 11:45 AM
I`m having my first battle with holograms. I can`t tell if I`m putting them in or taking them out using 80 and green sonus pad. Going to try DACP and orange Sonus pad. Do you work DACP like 80 or is it different? Give me an idea of passes and pc speed and appearance of the DACP when you stop polishing.

03-16-2005, 12:43 PM
I`d better leave the #83 Qs to somebody who`s more experienced with it, but in general you work the #83 a lot longer than #80.

Generally, you won`t inflict holograms with a PC. #80 won`t cause them by PC but it might cause micromarring (that can perhaps look similar to holograms) if a) your paint is especially/unusually soft, b) you don`t work the #80 long enough, or c) you press down too hard before the #80 starts to break down.

What it`ll take to remove them depends on the paint and what`s been done to it. I`ve removed them by hand (with PI-III RC) but Neoprufrok was unable to get them out of *his* Audi with a PC no matter *what* he tried.

Bill D
03-16-2005, 01:02 PM
Yeah, I recall that, sounds like hew definitely needed a Cyclo or at least, to switch over to Menzerna. I like using a combination of PI III MG followed by FP II :up

04-05-2005, 12:00 PM
Worked over hood with DACP, #80 and 3M`s 39002 and did not make things any better. Maybe these are swirls, who knows. I went to sleep dreaming of Poorboys SSR`s. Took a close look at them this am, they come out of the sun (bright spot) in radial direction and are everywhere and float around when you move your head. I don`t know what happen but I picked up the scratchX and an applicatior. Worked over a 6" x 6" spot and bingo, they are gone. Grab pc put on a green Sonus pad and start to work the hood in 3` x 3` areas, wipe off and I`m good.









I think I`m learning !! They after shots are without any wax or anything just as finished and wiped off.

04-05-2005, 12:06 PM
Glad to hear you found an approach that worked! Hard to say just *what kind of marring they were, but as long as you`re getting them out I guess it doesn`t really matter :D

04-05-2005, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

Glad to hear you found an approach that worked! Hard to say just *what kind of marring they were, but as long as you`re getting them out I guess it doesn`t really matter :D

Before I said that I wasn`t sure if I was putting them in or removing them, I think the answer is I was adding fine scratches that needed finer polish to remove. From what I`ve read I didn`t think that would be necessary after 80, that`s where I started weeks ago. Scratch X is only a 3 on the chart. I used same approach on Winstar hood ie DACP and it only made things better and did not add any "swrils". Is the clear just soft?

04-05-2005, 12:21 PM
Some paints are just touchy. I had one instance where #80 was too aggressive, I just *had* to use something milder. Only happened to me that one time, but it still happened. Same ol` same ol`, you just gotta find the right stuff for the job.

04-05-2005, 12:37 PM
Bewarned, beware of the Honda`s, funny thing though my Element had none of that problem.

04-17-2005, 06:01 PM
Started working on the driver side doors today and I continued with the scratchX since it worked well on the hood. I made about 5 or 6 passes on the door with the pc on 5 and the green sonus pad and things started to get better. When I looked at it in the sun most of the swirls were removed but what blew me away was the change in reflection since new.

Before: Car was new but had not been buffed out. Had one coat of Zaino


After 5 or 6 passes with Scratch X
