View Full Version : Do most UPP users top it with a carnuba?

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04-27-2003, 05:40 PM
Do most UPP users top it with a carnuba wax, or does it look good enough layered?

04-27-2003, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by NHBFAN
Do most UPP users top it with a carnuba wax, or does it look good enough layered?
The one time I topped my AIO/UPP with S100, I wasn`t really sure it added anything to the overall look. Since then I have been using just the AIO/UPP combo, no topper. That`s on a dark metallic blue that looks black in the right light. Maybe that`s why Pontiac calls it Black Sapphire.

As an aside, I do use S100 over AIO on my wife`s bright red Pontiac GTP. Great combination.

04-27-2003, 07:05 PM
I top`d UPP with Pinnacle SOuvran and s100 found look`d great but i was collecting too much dust....wasn;t a big enough improvement..
I now use my Wax after I use a Glaze and not UPP or Zaino..


04-27-2003, 07:28 PM
Up here in New England, we had our first really nise Sunday in a long while. Got up early...washed down my work area of all sand...Dawn washed the black Benz.....dried and then buffed w/ orbital..terry pad w/ UPC...removed residue and applied my 3rd layer of UPP. I had topped my 2nd layer of UPP with S100. Liked the look, but seemed to attract more tree pollen adn dust. Since I recemtly got a gallon of Quick Shine from Clearkote, I decided to go back to straight UPP at least for the spring. She looks great.

04-27-2003, 07:32 PM
Originally posted by unclearty
Up here in New England, we had our first really nise Sunday in a long while. Got up early...washed down my work area of all sand...Dawn washed the black Benz..

Dawn is known for taking off UPP, so your third layer may really be your first layer.....am I wrong??

04-29-2003, 10:06 AM
Yes..I believe you`re wrong. When I used the Dawn wash, I started on the roof..I can only reach a little over half way. When I was rinsing the roof, the S100 side had quarter to dime sized water drops, but the now cleaned side had little tiny round water droplets. As I did the other side, the same ting happened...the whole roof now had those little tiny water droplets. When I dried the car, it had that nice clear UPP shine to it. When I then buffed out w/ orbital and UPC, she still looked good, but when the 3rd coat of UPP went on....nice.... I must say, the UPP and Clearkote Quick Shine combination looks very nice...and it does really help with the pollen mess...noticeable better than the S100 on top.

04-29-2003, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by unclearty
Dawn washed the black Benz.....
Was there some reason for using the Dawn? I realize I may be in the minority, but Dawn, to me, is for washing foam pads, Definitely not for my vehicles. Wharever paint prep/cleaner you are using should have the finish ready to apply whatever sealant/wax you are using. AIO does this for me and I`m sure the UPC would do the same.
Hey, if it works for you, I guess that makes it the right thing for you to use.:)

04-29-2003, 11:32 AM
I used the Dawn wash because I was afraid that I may not hit every corner with my orbital...plus the vertical surfaces. I was told..somewhere...that Dawn won`t bother UPP...so what the heck? It sure looks good now.
I , too, use Dawn in a bucket for applicators to soak in.

04-29-2003, 12:42 PM
One of the reasons I stay away from Dawn washes is the grease cutting capability of Dawn. It was a concern to me that it would leach some of the oils out of rubber and plastic parts on the vehicle. This is based on my usual background of having no idea of what I am talking about.

Your statement, "It sure looks good now", says it all. That`s really the only thing that matters.:)

04-29-2003, 01:56 PM
Ok so today it was beautiful here, 88 degrees and sunny after three days of rain. I washed my gray metallic IS300 with 5 layers of UPP, I then put some S100 on the roof and hood. There is a slight difference slightly more shiny and maybe a little more depth. The car looked amazing before so it really is tough to make it look better. My only concern now is whether or not the S100 will stay clean like the UPP, that is one thing that I like about the UPP. If you have one layer of UPP top it with another UPP then if you are obsessive consider the carnauba because only you will know it is there.

04-29-2003, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by Thomasfl
If you have one layer of UPP top it with another UPP then if you are obsessive consider the carnauba because only you will know it is there.
Pretty much sums it up. In my case, I would much rather add another layer of UPP every month.

04-29-2003, 03:18 PM
yeah Charles you were right. S100 looks so good on top of a polish that I thought for sure it would have to add something, but then again UPP also also has a bright shine.

04-29-2003, 04:54 PM
Yep, after two coats of UPP on my truck, I see no reason to top UPP with anything else other than more UPP! Extemely nice shine, doesn`t attract much dust, and an added plus................ doesn`t seem to smudge when touched. When you have an 12 year old nephew that "touches" everything, that`s an important "plus"! :D

05-01-2003, 06:17 PM
Can you apply UPP after using the Platinum Gloss Enhancer quick detailer?

05-01-2003, 08:19 PM
If i don`t wash it with Platinum shampoo...I qd it before I add another layer....
