View Full Version : Gotta start somewhere.... (but where?)

03-09-2005, 08:37 PM
Forst of all, I can not believe how many really good product choices i have!!! But I can not own them all, as this becomes a VERY expensive hobby.

I hope this is not a silly question, but...

Can someone please tell me what the difference in appearance would be between the following combo`s:




FP, Blackfire


I have a new, 05 Silver Audi and I want it to look nice, shiny, and wet... :xyxthumbs I want to be able to :bounce of the finish! lol

Please help me invest in the best decision.


03-09-2005, 10:23 PM
I guess that this is a rogh question to answer... I am having a hard time deciding and I am trying to do this right the first time...

03-10-2005, 12:36 PM
Yeah, you`re gonna find people who prefer any of those and people who would pick yet a *different* combo!

IMO on a silver Auid you won`t find *too* much of a difference between UPP and BF looks-wise, at least not after the first wash. So between those I`d just pick UPP for the slickness.

As for the AIO/VM before UPP, see the other thread (the one that got off track :o ).

BradB could give you a very good argument for using Zaino ;) His silver S4 and his silver Porsche speak for themselves and that`s what he uses on them.

While I use UPP, I believe the polishing I did with 1Z (Pro) MP had a lot to do with how I got the look I was so happy with. The FP gives a little different appearance. *Perhaps* using VM before the UPP would give a similar look, but that`s purely a guess and I dunno if the UPP will bond with the VM (probably, but I haven`t tried it).

I would *not* top UPP with wax on this one. It can look fine by itself so no reason to preclude further UPP applications by putting a wax in the mix.

Guess I`d choose between UPP and Zaino. The UPP might (*IMO*) give a slightly "richer"/"deeper" look :nixweiss

03-10-2005, 01:51 PM
I`d go with Accumulator`s advice, especially on silver. I have UPP on the same panel as Z2 Pro at the moment and I see very little difference in looks between the two, over the first week or two: both are high shine, wet looking LSP`s.

Where I think you may notice the difference is in slickness. Over the first week or so UPP is slightly slicker, although both products are very slick in there own right. After a few weeks (one week in my case, with 6 days of heavy rain and one wash) the slickness of UPP dropped off, leaving the Z2 Pro as the slicker of the two. Same pattern with beading/sheeting ability, UPP and Z2 Pro started even, but Z2 Pro beads and sheets better after a week or so. Based on "wear and tear" so far (week three), I suspect that Z2 Pro will be the more durable of the two, but only time will tell.

On the prep, if your paint is already in good condition *I`d* stick with FPII as a prep (putting on flame proof jacket), I`m not fully convinced that applying sealants over AIO is the best option if durability is one of your goals.

03-10-2005, 02:04 PM
Agree with Accumulator -- pick either UPP or Zaino. Both look fantastic on silver Audis.

By the way, the "BradB" Accumulator mentions in his post is "S4Bloom" on Audiworld. You`ve seen S4Bloom`s pics. Its tough to disagree with his results. That said, I pick UPP over Zaino for looks. Sounds like Accumulator does too. Zaino will last longer though.

In the end, its a "no lose" situation. Seriously. Just pick an approach and get detailing (and post pics when you`re done, of course)!

03-10-2005, 08:13 PM
Well,t hanks guys. I think i am going to go the AIO and UPP route first. (I may FP it before the AIO too)

How many coats of UPP is enough? Too many? :D

03-10-2005, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by 05Sleeper

How many coats of UPP is enough? Too many? :D

Yeah, that`s about it. Start with two or three and add another when you start to lose slickness. Or at least that`s what I do.

03-10-2005, 09:48 PM
HMMM.... yes.... I think I will do this... 2 coats first... (time constraints) and then add more...

my paint is in really "good" condition, but I want to prep it properly... FP before AIO? Yes? No?

03-13-2005, 08:30 PM
Ok, so I am going to get some FP + IP or SSR 2.5 + 1.0 (which is better?)

Then AIO, UPP x 2, and FK PW.

That will be my course of action...

Questions, comments, or concerns?

03-14-2005, 12:35 PM
05Sleepeer- You`ll probably find as many people who prefer the PB`s SSR stuff as the Menzerna twins. Either should work fine for you. FWIW *I* use 3M`s PI-III stuff before AIO. It`s not like any of these is "bad" or anything.

I`d hold off on the FK Pink myself, I like the look and slickness of UPP untopped and also the ability to add more UPP without having to redo the AIO step. Wait and see which way you want to go.