View Full Version : LC Variable Contact or Constant Pressure pads?

03-09-2005, 02:04 PM
LC Variable Contact or Constant Pressure pads? Which do you like the best? what are their strong and weak points etc...?

03-09-2005, 02:08 PM
The VC pads are my choice when using the rotary or PC. I feel that you can work products better and they provide a better feel. Also they excel around mirrors, badges, corners, etc.

03-09-2005, 02:17 PM
With the minor experience Ihave with my pads (PC newbie), I can`t satnd the VC`s. I find they actually splatter more, due to less area in contact with the car`s surface.

I much prefer the CP pads.

My $.02

03-09-2005, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by audio1der

With the minor experience Ihave with my pads (PC newbie), I can`t satnd the VC`s. I find they actually splatter more, due to less area in contact with the car`s surface.

I much prefer the CP pads.

My $.02

Exactly. I hate the VC pads. It just seems like I work a bigger area in the same time, and more evenly, with a flat pad.

03-09-2005, 07:52 PM
My choice: CP or Flat pads

03-09-2005, 07:53 PM
I should have mentioned I am looking for pads for my rotary but would probably use them on my orbital as well. Also wondering if the 6" CP will work ok with the rotary or should I stick with the 7.5?

03-09-2005, 08:18 PM
My choices were for both PC and Rotary. I`ve been told that the smaller the pad (rotary) the easier it is to use with less experience vs. the bigger ones. I ended up getting the 8.5" CP pads for my rotary but have yet to use them. One good thing about getting 6" or 7.5" is that you can use them with both the rotary AND the pc, whereas the larger 8.5`s are just too big for anything other than the rotary.

The reason I went with such large pads is because I only plan on using the rotary on badly damaged areas, like the hood, roof, trunk, etc. and plan on doing the rest of the detail by PC anyway. Smaller pads will give you more versatility but will take a little longer to do the job.

I was also told that the CP pads are great for rotary beginners (like myself) in that they make it harder to "lean" the pad thus preventing bad things.

05-05-2005, 03:07 PM
I`m relatively new to a PC and have the 7.5" LCVC pads. I realize a smaller pad will likely correct problems better. But for general polishing and AIO application should I ditch em for some flat pads? I`d like to hear more opinions on this. Thanks for helping a neophyte!

05-05-2005, 03:09 PM
I like the flat pads better.

05-05-2005, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by agentf

LC Variable Contact or Constant Pressure pads? Which do you like the best? what are their strong and weak points etc...?

I`ve used both and find that each has their advantage and disadvantages. I`m mainly using VC pads now. Once you get use to using either one, they both can create some amazing results. I`m not sure why some are having problems with splatter. I put the product on the pad and smear it around on the panel I`m going to work and have never had a problem with that.:D