View Full Version : 4" Spot Pads - LC or SFX

03-08-2005, 06:14 PM
So I`ve got my eyes on a cyclo and will be needing some pads. Based on past threads, it seems like the majority like the flat pads on the Cyclo as opposed to the VC type.

For those that have used either the LC 4" VC pads or the Autopia SFX pads, I`d love to hear your experiance with either the 2 or both.

03-08-2005, 06:42 PM
Doesnt LC make the SFX pads?

03-08-2005, 07:11 PM
Based on the pics...it looked to me like the SFX pads were flat like the Cyclo pads.

Any 4" SFX pads reading this. David...wanna chime in ?

Bobby G
03-08-2005, 07:26 PM
The SFX pads are flat. VC pads (IMHO) don`t do as well in repair applications, and I find they make the Cyclo wabble more.


03-09-2005, 05:08 AM
I must be doing something wrong because my experience with 4" spot pads are the opposite to David`s. Sorry to contradict you David. :D

I have both types, and find the VC pads do better repair work. I`m assuming the raised outer edge concentrates the cutting action. The SFX pads seem more gentle and leave a better finish, but don`t cut as well.

Also the colours don`t produce equivalency. The VC white is much more aggressive than the SFX white, the VC orange seems to be as aggressive as the SFX yellow. (Tried all three today).

As I said, the SFX *do* leave a better finish. The SFX pads are more hygroscopic, as such, they swell and hold the polish moisture better.

It depends on what you want. For me, I prefer the VC pads.

BTW, I`ve had no issues with wobble. I just found the right pressure to apply and its stable.