View Full Version : washing clay bar

03-05-2005, 07:35 AM
Had a look at zaino website and in the tips and tricks section, it mentions washing the clay to remove clay lube residue

Can this be done or should it to a clay magic blue bar?

03-05-2005, 12:46 PM
I don`t get the idea behind that....my clay gets contaminated with the stuff it pulls off the paint; residue from the lube is the least of my concerns. I replace the clay when it gets dirty (I seldom even knead it much) so that the contamination doesn`t mar my finish.

To me, clay is a renewable resource, I just use it and replace it. I wouldn`t spend my time cleaning clay, I`d rather spend my money replacing it.

03-05-2005, 07:00 PM
OK agreed

I do knead it alot and cut it in half a couple times to get to the surface underneath but yes there comes a time when new clay is the only way to go

03-06-2005, 03:53 AM
Have another question

Can you clay over decals and pin striping

03-06-2005, 07:56 AM
I`ve had no problem claying over pinstripes. I did use a piece of clay on my car`s wheels when the hidden weights were removed and the sticky that held them wasn`t. It was tough getting the stuff off, and I had to rub hard.

03-06-2005, 08:20 AM
I am still trying to understand why washing the clay lube makes any difference

03-06-2005, 11:13 AM
Originally posted by SVR

Can you clay over decals and pin striping

*IF* you`re claying gently enough ;)

But I would try to work "with" the decal/stripe in question; go along pinstriping, not across it; go from the middle of a decal towards its outer edge, not over the edge towards the middle.

Did I mention claying gently? :D