View Full Version : A few misc. question

03-03-2005, 09:51 PM
Hi all,

I have a few misc. questions that may or may not have anything to do with each other, but I`d rather not clutter up the forum so I`ll see what kind of responses I can get in one thread.

Is there any reason not to use QEW in a spray bottle as a QD? What might be a better QD choice if this is a no-no?

Zaino: I was originally thinking SG, but I`ve been hearing that it can be hard to work with, so if there`s a product that can compare in durabilty without the difficult application then it would be a winner...it seems like z-2 might do the trick. Should Z-2 pro be able to last a winter (like 6 months) on a car in the northeast that is kept outside? Would AIO be an alright base for Z-2/ZFX? It seems that Z-1 is an AIO alternative...is this correct or is it a different type of product? Would I be better off with Z-1 or AIO? I`m kind of leaning towards AIO because I get the impression that it would be a good base for just about any sealant and there are a few others I would like to try. The final zaino question: how many ounces do you get? I`m just trying to compare to other sealants as far as cost, but the site doesn`t seem to say how much you for your $14.95.

I`d like to get some small bottles (maybe like 4oz) for more convenience and so I`m not putting all my eggs in one basket so to speak if I break it...I can`t seem to think of where to get something like this though. It`s not like there are that many uses for small bottles. Anybody know where to get something like this?

Thank you all for your help...I`ve learned alot from you already just reading.

03-03-2005, 10:00 PM
Buy a dedicated QD.

Use Z1 or ZFX, not both. AIO will not replace either of them. You can use it beneath. But Z7 wash in between that and your z1/zfx for optimal bonding.

Z2 will last all winter. I believe its 16 ounces.

03-03-2005, 10:46 PM
if you buy Z2pro and the ZFX additive they provide four small bottles, one of which houses the ZFX in an even smaller bottle.

you can go to Kmart in the cosmetic section and get plenty of small bottles to hold any one of a number of products. that is one of many stores that have small plastic bottles.

there are a whole host of QD`s out there to purchase. most are good. some are real good. others are real expensive.. how much is your car worth?

03-04-2005, 08:50 AM
Also, I don`t know if they have one around you, but REI has loads of different sizes of bottles for camping stuff. Ranging from about 1 oz up to a gal or more. Prices are from about a buck to $10. Also, I think I ordered some from Detailer`s Paradise. 2oz bottles with the squirt nozzle on the top. Don`t remember how much I paid and it was about a year ago.


03-04-2005, 03:25 PM
Cosmetics...I wouldn`t have thought of that.

My car`s only worth about 5k...how about a middle of the road QD? Something good without being outrageously expensive.

Thanks for your help everybody.

03-04-2005, 03:38 PM
The price of the car has little to do with maintaining a defect free finish.

03-04-2005, 09:17 PM
I agree, but he asked, so I answered.

I still don`t want to have to promise my first born child to get some QD, so I don`t need the best of the best. Just something good that won`t cost an arm and a leg.

03-04-2005, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by Bobsealant .

Z2 will last all winter. I believe its 16 ounces.

just opened my Zaino order. the Z2-pro comes in an eight ounce bottle. from what i read the zfx has enough in that little bottle for two bottles of z2-pro.

pinnacle crystal mist is a good detail spray. so is four star detail spray/ carnuba. ( one of my personal favorites). last touch from meguiar`s is also another good detail spray. pick a company and you will find a detail spray. try them until you find one that you like with the other products that you use. that is what i have done. spent way to much money but have found a lot of good products. it is really hard to choose.

03-04-2005, 11:54 PM

Restoring gloss, no colour change - Mothers Showtime, Megs QD

Making light colours *bright & glossy* - TW Ultra Gloss QD

Making dark colours *deep and glossy* - 4 Star Gloss Enhancing QD

Hope this helps.

03-05-2005, 12:43 AM
Quikshine is hands down the best QD I`ve ever used.

03-05-2005, 12:01 PM
NXT speed detailer seems pretty good-used it on a panel outside in 30 degree weather and it didn`t streak

03-05-2005, 12:24 PM
4* UGE on sealants after a wash when I don`t feel like adding another layer of sealant

PB QD++ when I have a carnauba topper

and Mother`s Showtime or PB S&W for spot cleaning when I get home


I also carry a high volume sprayer with 1oz QEW and 2 oz QD diluted in water in my trunk for tire sling and bird gifs.

And I`m getting some CK QS from a member to try out, which everyone says is THE BEST.

03-05-2005, 12:28 PM
Oh and if you want SAMPLES of products check out this thread:

Sample Exchange (http://autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=51117)

I`m expecting some QS, VM and Z2 and already got some EX through this thread.

Hope you get what you want!!!

03-05-2005, 12:29 PM
EagleOne QD is cheap but performs not so bad.

03-06-2005, 09:33 PM
Well, since you`ve all been so helpful I`ve got another random question for you.

Costco APC. I see alot of people using this for many different things...there`s a few problems though. First, I don`t have a costco membership, and second I read that costco has stopped carrying it anyway. Anybody know a good alternative...maybe from walmart? What is it marketed as and/or what are it`s ingredients to help me find something similar.

Thanks alot.