View Full Version : Latest details v.before and afters, EX vs Glanz Wax too!

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03-01-2005, 11:05 PM
First the EX w/carnauba vs Glanz Wax comparison. Each wax definitely has its own personality.

EX w/carnauba (several weeks after application), just QEW and Quikshine prior to taking the picture.


Glanz Wax. Slightly hazier sunshine but the paint is blacker but with less glow than EX.




2004 Rolls Royce Phantom. It had some scratches in the trunk lid and right rear fender and door. I used Poorboy`s SSR2.5 and a Meguiars polishing pad to remove/greatly reduce them (some wouldn`t come out completely), then Clearkote`s Red Machine Glaze with a Meguiars polishing pad and by customer request, I finished with #16. I have a few more pics on a new roll of film, but this was the last one on this roll.


03-01-2005, 11:13 PM
2004 Ford Expidition. I did this along with a 2002 Ford F150 on Sunday. Basically took me from 9:30am to nearly 7:00pm!

Interior before and after. I always vacuum first if possible so you can see the true condition without debris in the way. Not really that bad for them having a 2-year-old!



Wheel before and after. I don`t know what Ford was thinking when they chose the brake pads for the redesigned Expiditions but they dust horribly! I used the Mr. Clean system (wheels only, QEWed the rest), along with some Orange Blast Degreaser in the fenderwells and on the raised white letters.



Ben Kenobi
03-01-2005, 11:20 PM
Great job as always Scott. Personally I like the EX better than the Glanz although it is an excellent product. Do you find that a lot of North American vehicles are using brake pads that are just as dusty as some of the European makes?

Amazing difference on the Ford`s tires and wheels!


03-01-2005, 11:24 PM
2004 Ford Expiditon, the finished product. Clearkote`s Red Machine Glaze with a Meguiars polishing pad (this product is a go, out in maybe a month) and Carnauba Moose by hand.




The Expiditon and F150 together.


03-01-2005, 11:27 PM
Sweet work Scott!

EX > Glanz IMO for black. Glanz is too clear, not enough glow/depth for black, but THANK YOU for the comparo :up. The shots are almost identical.

Great comeback on the Expedition! I`m glad I`m not the only one with a problem dressing dry tires. It seems its a touch blotchy in the pic. I have tried layering up to x 4 with 5-10 mins between coats on some tires and they still won`t dress dead evenly...Oh well :).

03-01-2005, 11:29 PM
Scottwax, it looks like you buffed up the floor nicely in the second wheel photo too. :)

Nice photos. The Roller would have taken much longer than the Ford I suppose? They are gigantic.

03-01-2005, 11:32 PM
2002 Ford F150

I polished the bed with Red Machine Glaze, the door is only washed.


Final process was the same as the Expidition.




03-01-2005, 11:41 PM
Paul-the new Expiditions have the absolute worst brake dust I have seen on an American vehicle. The older ones were fine so the change in pad material was done with the model change.

Sean I agree that on black, EX has a deeper look but I thought I`d try Glanz Wax this time. My customer was pretty happy with how it looked and that is what matters.

BTW, the wheel was only cleaned when I took the picture, no tire dressing, the tire was just wet from rinsing.

Hemi the Rolls is huge! It definitely takes some time to do.

03-01-2005, 11:45 PM
Thanks for the clarification Scott.

You wouldn`t happen to know the brand/size of the rims/tires on the F-150 would ya? My dad wants to get rims for my moms pickup. Thanks.

Ben Kenobi
03-01-2005, 11:49 PM

Thanks for the info. If I run into one of the new models I`ll know what to be on the lookout for. Superb job on all the vehicles.

Always a pleasure to see your work.


03-01-2005, 11:54 PM
Sean-the wheels are 18s, I wasn`t paying attention to the brand. Easy to clean though, which is always a plus. :)

03-02-2005, 12:02 AM
Scott, any idea on when the rest of us are going to get a crack at the new Red Glaze and Yellow Creme Wax?

03-02-2005, 12:02 AM
awesome details and pics like always Scott! You are the master!

I need to plan a road trip to Texas to learn from you this summer!

03-02-2005, 12:03 AM
Incredible as usual Scott. I like that you take pics with a standard camera. If gives a different feel to the pics, and makes for good comparison pics!:D

If you have time, can you post a reply about the equivelents to the new ClearKote products. I was curious what they are close to, and which one is closest to VM!

03-02-2005, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by MS22

Scott, any idea on when the rest of us are going to get a crack at the new Red Glaze and Yellow Creme Wax?

The products will be released this spring. The samples I got look like production level products with professional looking labels.