View Full Version : SSR Polishes

03-01-2005, 11:04 AM
So, I am stocking up on my polishes for spring, and was going to order some of Poorboy`s SSR polishes. I`m going to order SSR1 and 2.5, but I`m wondering how often you use SSR 3 and 2? From the sounds of it 3 is some strong stuff, and I just wonder how often I would use it. Is it worth buying the whole line, or will I be ok with just 1 and 2.5? I also have some Meg`s #9 lying around, and I`m wondering where that fits in. I am inclined to believe that its less abrasive than SSR 1, but I honestly dont know. Could I just substitute the two? Thanks in advance.


Eliot Ness
03-01-2005, 11:08 AM
I think the SSR2.5 and SSR1 combo is pretty good unless you have some pretty serious defects.

As far as Meg`s #9, I`ve never used it, but it seems rated about the same as SSR1. One thing to remember is that #9 does contain some fillers.

hftw Audi 6
03-01-2005, 11:38 AM
I only have used the SSR polishs so far. I have never bought SSR3 and never incountered a job where i needed it! Basically if i have a well swirled car i`ll just do 2.5, 1, and AIO, then topper it up! I also have #9 i think i have used it like once. I feel it is def. less abbrasive then the SSR1, but it is more abbrassive then the AIO. So i use it in that line up..

03-01-2005, 11:58 AM
I never use SSR3, just me. Once I get to the point where a product of that magnitude is needed I go for the rotary and a less abrasive product.

I would go ahead and get the SSR1, 2, and 2.5. Especially if you are working with the PC or cyclo. There are cars that only need SSR2 and why use a sledge hammer to drive a ten penny nail.

FWIW, I find SSR1 to be a touch milder than #9.

03-01-2005, 03:00 PM
you should be fine with SSR 2.5 and 1. in my experience, i can sometimes work SSR 2.5 w/cutting pad and the surface is ready for the LSP. other times i`ll get some light hazing with SSR 1 w/polishing pad cleans up.

i also have SSR 2 and haven`t really used it much, maybe if the car has some light light swirls that only us Autopians would notice.

as far as Megs #9, it`s like SSR 1. in fact, when there was one time when i couldn`t get the SSR 1 to work well, so i used my Megs #9 instead and it cleared up any hazing.