View Full Version : Klasse Products made finish Matte???

03-01-2005, 07:42 AM
I have been studying in the ways of Autopia for a few months now. I recently did the following procedures to my 2000 Dark Green Metallic Ford Windstar which had swirl city from my not so smart days of washing with old towels, etc.

Dawn Wash


SSR2.5 w/PC



AIO Hand

SG Hand

The van looked really shiny before I applied AIO and SG. As soon as I put these last 2 products on, I noticed the finish become more matte than shiny? I used the WOWO method for AIO, then applied an extremely thin layer of SG which I need a little bit of QD to get off. I applied a second coat of SG 24 later in hopes to improve with no luck. Has this happened to anyone else before? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

03-01-2005, 07:56 AM
:welcome to Autopia Mackab1

If I was asked to describe the look of a sealant like Klasse it would be a flat reflective but very shiny `wrapped in Saran wrap` look, I have no idea, nor have I ever experienced a matte look with a sealant before.


03-01-2005, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by Mackab1

I used the WOWO method for AIO, then applied an extremely thin layer of SG which I need a little bit of QD to get off. I applied a second coat of SG 24 later in hopes to improve with no luck. Has this happened to anyone else before? Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

It`s not clear from your description how you buffed off the SG. Somebody correct me if I`m wrong, but isn`t the WOWO method used to apply and remove the SG? BTW, I use AIO and SG and never had any problems.

03-01-2005, 09:43 AM
I`ve never really tried the WOWO method, simply because i`ve had good luck letting it sit an cure. I think the key is THIN THIN coats. last time i went around my 2 door W body 2 times i used around 1.5 oz.

03-01-2005, 10:30 PM
I think I have seen what you are talking about. I just put one coat of SG on my Tiburon this past Saturday and it did not appear to be as glossy as it was without the SG. It wasn`t until today that it seemed to be really glossy. I think that it may gloss up as it cures. First time using it though, but just my 2 cents.

03-02-2005, 07:33 AM
Is there any wax in your QD?

03-02-2005, 01:22 PM
Mackab1- Welcome to Autopia!

It could just be that you don`t care for the look of the K twins on your particular paint. I`d withold judgement until you get three or four layers of KSG on there, and be sure you`re really buffing it off well. I don`t use any QD, just fog the surface with my breath.

You could try topping it with a good, long lasting carnauba. When I topped the KSG on our minivan with #16 it looked a *lot* better. Give topping a try after you get a little more KSG on there.

If you decide you just don`t like it, no biggie. Save the K twins for stuff like your wheels and try a product with a different look. FWIW, I absolutely *despise* how Klasse looks on my silver Audis, I stripped it off after four coats. Other people think it`s the perfect product for that paint :nixweiss Different strokes and all that.

Maybe something like FMJ/BF/UPP would be more to your liking. I would stick with a sealant for the Windstar though, if only for the durability.

03-02-2005, 02:26 PM
If youre "extremely thin layer" of SG needed QD to polish off, it wasn`t thin, it was too much. That can make life interesting and lessen the shine.

A QD between coats can screw up the finish. Not saying it absolutely will, just that it can.

WOWO of AIO? You`d do better to use it as a polish, for that is partially what it is. Though that may be what you were actually doing.

03-02-2005, 06:18 PM
How about just using some water in a sprayer to help get it off? Would that work or would it cause the same problems a QD would?

03-02-2005, 08:11 PM
Terran- Plenty of people use water and/or QDs without any problems. Meg`s #34 should be a safe choice as it does`t leave any wax behind. And you could always use Sonus or something similar. But I`ve yet to have any SG that just fogging with my breath couldn`t handle. IMO if somebody`s having *any* trouble getting the SG off they must be putting it on way too thick. If you can easily *see* it, it`s too thick for me.

03-02-2005, 10:59 PM
I don`t know anything about the SSR1 products but do they contain fillers?

You know where I am going with this .. AIO might have removed the fillers or anything the SSR1 left on the paint *if* it in fact leaves anything.