View Full Version : About layering Klasse SG or P21s wax procedure

03-01-2005, 03:51 AM
Question about apply multi layers of KSG or wax "Cure". Should I........

Apply sealant, wait over night and then it buff it off. Apply another coat?


Apply sealant and buff off when it haze ( around10 minutes). Wait overnight and then apply another coat?

03-01-2005, 04:02 AM
Originally posted by opass

Question about apply multi layers of KSG or wax "Cure". Should I........

Apply sealant, wait over night and then it buff it off. Apply another coat?


Apply sealant and buff off when it haze ( around10 minutes). Wait overnight and then apply another coat?

WOWO and then wait 24 hours between coats, for best results wait even longer between coats, but at least 24 and you`ll be fine. If you use klasse you should know what WOWO is, if not do a search. It basically means Wipe-On-Wipe-Off. Use same method for p21s believe it or not. These two products are my favorite to use WOWO with.

03-01-2005, 04:12 AM
Don`t like WOWO. Leaving it on for 24 hours and then waiting another 24 between coats is the only way for me.

03-01-2005, 05:04 AM
(Hello, Autopia - first post!)

Quick question on the same topic from the UK....

I spent yesterday washing-rinsing, claying, AIO`ing, and applying one layer of Klasse SG - allowed it to cure and then buffed off. Lovely. Was planning on applying second layer of KSG and then a final coat of wax today but, of course it being the UK, it has rained overnight.

I`m in the heart of London so the rain is dirty - my question is: can I just dry off the car and apply 2nd KSG layer, or should I rinse car then apply, or go the whole hog and wash again before applying (won`t that remove some of my previous work?)

Or should I stop being impatient and wait till spring where I can do it without rain properly?

Many thanks


03-01-2005, 06:16 AM

I`d wash again - definately! Especially as the rain in central london is pretty dirty. If you were to dry or even rinse & dry you risk scratching the paint with any fallout or grit that may be on the surface.

What were you going to put on as a wax topper?

also - where did you get your AIO & SG from? a UK supplier??



03-01-2005, 06:54 AM
Thanks Graham - actually just looked at the car- and, yup, it`s filthy. Definitely, will need a clean. Ho hum, neighbours already think I`m mad for having cleaned twice yesterday ;)

I`m actually going to be using the NXT wax as the top layer (present from a friend & currently can`t afford some proper Carnuba).

And, no - I got the Klasse products from our very own Autopia - (because of exchange rate it works out cheaper even with shipping than buying in UK)

Thanks again


03-01-2005, 07:54 AM
Thanks for the response - can I ask - how much did it work out at to get them shipped over? I mean all in cost inour great british pounds!!

Also - I`mnot sure that NXT would be such a good choice - it has mild cleaners in it which will remove the SG sealant. You need to get a wax which has no cleaners in it at all. Im thinking P21S or perhaps meguiars own #16.

I just got some #16 myself - ordered last week from www.seriousperformance.co.uk - arrived here yesterday - it was £12 for a massive tin. I`ve tried it out on my motorbike in the garage and I am very impressed. It would look great over the AIO / SG. I also have some P21s which is, i think, a bit less glossy - but perhaps more reflective.

I don`t think nXT would be such a good idea though.

03-01-2005, 09:13 AM
Great advice - will bin the nXT for now and seek out some non-cleaning wax - thanks. (I fancy the P21S cos everyone seems to swear by it)

I went for the following from http://autopia-carcare.com/

1 Sonus Perfect Shine Base Kit (which included the AIO + Sonus clay + ScratchX + applicators + cloths)


1 Chenille wash sponge

1 Sonus drying towel

came to $106 +$45 shipping == £78 - delivered in about four working days, well packed and labelled in such a way that HM Customs took no notice of it.


03-01-2005, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by opass

Question about apply multi layers of KSG or wax "Cure". Should I........

Apply sealant, wait over night and then it buff it off. Apply another coat?


Apply sealant and buff off when it haze ( around10 minutes). Wait overnight and then apply another coat?

I always wanted to know.

The way I`m currentlly do now is: WOWO method. I only applied single layer.

So, do I leave the KSG haze and wait for 24hr and then wipe it off? Or wipe if off after 10-30min then wait for 24hr then re-apply another layer of KSG?


03-01-2005, 10:57 AM
I was told to apply - leave for minimum one hour - wipe off. Leave 24hrs to cure then apply second layer....

...but I`m no pro - I`m sure someone else will be along with the definitive answer.


Eliot Ness
03-01-2005, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by klnyc

........So, do I leave the KSG haze and wait for 24hr and then wipe it off? Or wipe if off after 10-30min then wait for 24hr then re-apply another layer of KSG? .........

Some here, like you, use the WOWO method. I *think* that became popular when some were having problems removing SG. There is some debate as to the affect this may have on durability.

Other`s (like myself), apply a very thin coat, let it dry or haze, then buff off and wait about 24 hrs between additional coats.

I have also read where some leave it on for 24 hours (or longer) before buffing it off. If applied too thick some feel the longer you let it dry the easier it comes off.

The second method is how the bottle instructs you to use it, but I see no harm in leaving the haze on longer (24 hours or more) as long as the car is in a garage (kept dry and as dust free as possible). Although I haven`t done it with SG, I have with other sealers and they buffed off very easily. I *personally* feel the product will bond better if you let it dry or haze before removing.

The key is to find which way works best for you. I suspect environmental conditions, like humidity, may be a key factor on the WOWO method vs letting it dry or haze before removing.

03-01-2005, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Eliot Ness

as long as the car is in a garage (kept dry and as dust free as possible).

Agree. During the cure time, environment factor play very important role. Regardness about how it cure better.