View Full Version : Interesting email situation...

11-24-2004, 07:35 PM
I have been receiving some interesting emails for the last couple months from somebody that I don`t think I know. They got my email address off of ocdetails.com I would imagine. I have a sneaking suspicion that it is a certain person on Autopia that I assisted in banning. ...multiple times. I remember the name with the initials L.L.

Anyway, I finally got tired of deleting them and I reported it to the email provider. They asked me to send them the emails with the full headers and they would investigate. They responded to me today with the registrant`s name (Initials are L.L.), address and phone number along with instructions on how I can contact local authorities to report the abuse. They also said that they would do further investigation and possibly terminate the email account. My attorneys here at work tell me that there is a statutory fine for this kind of thing and with the email provider on my side, I could expect a slam dunk if I decided to press charges. I was just wondering what you guys would do? Deleting the emails isn`t a problem and I really could care less what they say, but getting someone`s email account deleted and getting a judgment put on their record would sure be fun. I don`t know what I could have possibly done to this person to have them email me this kind of stuff. They are borderline stalking me and I don`t mind having their email account shut down. Its not like a free Yahoo or Hotmail account, so this could also mean that they lose their ISP altogether. What do you think? Should I take the high road and just continue to laugh at the emails, or should I cooperate with the email provider and have them shut down? Since I am fairly sure the person sending me emails will read this, I would suggest that they stop sending them. I`d hate to have to embarrass them when they have to explain to their wife why the ISP canceled their service and my attorneys are sending them letters requesting them to stop harrassing me.

11-24-2004, 07:41 PM
You already know my answer. :)
The high road is, IMO, the only road.


11-24-2004, 07:59 PM
Is this person a troll :lmfao :rolling ...no really ...put a stop to it now before it gets worse.:dunno

ps i swear i`ll stop :rofl

John Styrnol
11-24-2004, 08:09 PM
L.L. could it be Linda Lovelace, LOL

11-24-2004, 08:12 PM
I would either send them a letter or a reply e-mail requesting them to stop sending you e-mails and then if the problem continues, shut them down.

11-24-2004, 08:28 PM
While I`m not very computer savvy, can`t you just block the senders e-mail from getting through?

11-24-2004, 09:16 PM
I agree with kimwallace, send them an e-mail making they aware that you know who they are and that if they don`t stop your going to take legal action against them. This way if she/he continues the results are she/his own fault.

11-24-2004, 09:21 PM
After giving this some thought, I think taking it to the authorities would be the "high road".
It really isn`t any different than obscene or harrassing phone calls and most likely there are laws to take care of these types.


11-24-2004, 09:25 PM
I agree with kimwallace, send them an e-mail making they aware that you know who they are and that if they don`t stop your going to take legal action against them. This way if she/he continues the results are she/his own fault.

100% agree with Raven. Try and be the nice guy that you are. Don`t step into the gutter where they are. If it doesn`t stop then fry there a$$.

11-24-2004, 09:55 PM
I`d take it to the fullest extent with this one.

Think of it like this...If this guy just gets an email warning him to stop, he may stop with you and go on to someone else that has bothered him in the past. If he gets brought up on charges, receieves attorney letters, and has his ISP shut down, you best believe he isn`t gonna be doing that stuff anymore.

11-24-2004, 10:48 PM
Unless the guy`s abnormally immature, won`t he stop doing it after a while if you don`t reply? What he/she is doing is stupid and classless. I would just tell the ISP to warn him or something. If you receive 1 more e-mail from him/her after that, tell them to shut it down.

Just my 2 cents though. I`m usually a forgiving guy. Do whatever you think is fair. After all, it`s you that`s being harassed, and I`m sure my opinion would be different if I was in your situation.

Best of luck with this. I hope this guy comes to realize that he needs to go out and get a life.

11-25-2004, 12:17 AM
i would start with an e-mail to this person giving parts or hints to the fact that you know who he is like first name last intial part of street address twon like that to see if he stops, if not turn it to the law and if it is a kid then he will learn a lesson early on from the law and maybe point him or her in the correct path of life