View Full Version : APC Vs. A2Z

02-26-2005, 11:25 PM
I was wondering what the major differences are between using an APC diluted on wheels/tires as compared to A2Z? Reason for asking is that using an APC is very cost effective and can be used for a lot of other things such as carpets and such.

02-26-2005, 11:35 PM
I recently started to use Meg`s APC on my wheels and tires instead of A2Z. I think A2Z does a better job if the wheels and tires are a complete mess. If they are moderately dirty then APC does a very good job. Considering the fact that it has so many uses, it`s great to have around.

02-27-2005, 09:21 AM
A2Z is very caustic. As such it has the best cleaning ability of any wheel cleaner.

The flip side is that it will damage the C/C on your wheels with frequent usage...even if you follow the directions to a T.

Don`t get me wrong. I`m a big fan of A2Z, but only to clean neglected wheels and tyres. After that, I maintain them with APC.

02-27-2005, 10:02 AM
Originally posted by Alfisti

A2Z is very caustic. As such it has the best cleaning ability of any wheel cleaner.

The flip side is that it will damage the C/C on your wheels with frequent usage...even if you follow the directions to a T.

Don`t get me wrong. I`m a big fan of A2Z, but only to clean neglected wheels and tyres. After that, I maintain them with APC.

I`d go a step further, for CC wheels, car wash detergent should be enough to clean most wheels, most of the time. Save the APC and A2Z or acid based cleaners for when they are really needed.

02-27-2005, 11:26 AM
I always thought the same thing, wheel cleaners =Bad.

But I have been doing my own little test on my latest car.

For the last two years I have used AZ at least 2 times a week, sometimes as much as 4 times per week, BMW brakes make a ton of dust as you all know.

I have to say after what I myself decribe as excessive use of AZ I have no clear coat damage in fact they look as good as a new wheel I purchased recently, no sign of any damage at all.

Maybe thats a sign of a well made wheel or that the product is not as bad as we all thought, im not sure.

On the flip side my girls 2002 Honda came with Chrome wheels and while I dont clean them anywhere near as often they are peeling and look kinda of bad by autotopian standards I use the AZ designed for chrome wheels on them.

I have never been able to get my wheels anywhere near as clean with just car wash soap as I do with AZ, especialy the tires themselves. I suppose if I was in this professionaly cost would be a factor but for me as a hobbyist I find AZ to be incredibly safe and cheap too.

I now use very little product, always on cool rims and spray the wheel and then use a soft dollar store sponge to spread and get into the nooks. a strong rinse afterwards reveals a spotless rim. I have used Klasse or Zaino on my rims and I suppose that has helped?

I will have to try the APC though, it could save a lot of money but I will try for that reason not fear of damage.

02-28-2005, 04:29 AM
The probable reason your wheels have lasted so well without damage is because you wisely dressed them with a sealant. :bigups

My experience is that non-dressed wheels will be damages with frequent A2Z use.

02-28-2005, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by RedondoV6

I`d go a step further, for CC wheels, car wash detergent should be enough to clean most wheels, most of the time. Save the APC and A2Z or acid based cleaners for when they are really needed.
