View Full Version : SFX #1 Near Hood Lines and KSG question.

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02-20-2005, 12:05 PM
This my second post so it will be long but I am sure you guys can help.

My PC kit with sonus pads, the sonus sfz system, klasse sg, and a few mf towels and applicators should be coming in next week from the autotopia store, thanks to all the advice from you guys

My finish on my 2003 Tiburon wasn`t in bad shape until my dog and cat decided to have Wrestlemania on top of the hood. Other than that I only have minor swirls.

My first question is do I have to top KSG with a carnuba or can it be my final step? It seems like the sg would make the metallic pop more by itself than a top coat of carnuba.

Second question requires a pic.


When using the PC and the SFX #1 I know it would probably be smart to avoid the body lines (red arrow) but some of the scratches from the throwdown run over them. Should I just not polish near the lines or perhaps polish by hand? Also would it be save to go over them with the PC while using SFX #2 and #3?

Also a lot of the scratches are on the folds of the hood (black section and blue circle) is it safe to use the PC on sections like this due to the contours of the hood.

Oh and what can I use to take off those arrows?:D

Thanks fellas

02-20-2005, 02:20 PM
You could use some painters tape, light stick stuff and not worry about it. Or you could try with a terry applicator to get that area by hand.

02-20-2005, 03:14 PM
So tape over the lines on the panel?

02-20-2005, 03:36 PM
i pc`d a 2000 camaro and its hood has lines by the head lights i just ran right over them it came out nice i just let up on the buffer and let it work by its own weight still holding on for control though ;)

also ive had my 2002 v6 honda accord pc`d with DACP and a yellow pad and it has some lines on the hood that were fine

02-20-2005, 03:43 PM
Cortez- Welcome to Autopia!

LOL about the dog/cat Wrestlemania :D

While you might not want to make a constant habit out of it, IMO you don`t have to worry about the PC and the crown lines on your hood. Most of the time the PC is *so* mild that such things are the last thing you`ll have to worry about. The contours of your hood are actually quite similar to the ones on my Jaguar. Even though the Jag has *very* soft lacquer paint, I`ve used my PC on such contours many, many times over the years and never had a problem.

Regarding topping the SG, I`d get about four layers of SG on there first and see how you like it. On silver I`ve found that the second coat doesn`t add much, the third *does* add something, and the fourth gets it just right. More will add durability but not looks. IMO topping it after the fourth coat *does* make it look better, and doesn`t mute the metallic (strangely enough). But I`ve quit topping my SG as I like to add a fresh layer now and then, which you can`t do once you`ve topped it.

02-20-2005, 03:51 PM
Thanks Accumulator, I am flattered that you compared my car to your Jaguar. :)

I thought about the fact to that you couldn`t recoat once you topped too, but really I couldn`t force myself to spend any more cash....at least for right now. Maybe later I will try the P21s.

02-20-2005, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by Cortez

..I couldn`t force myself to spend any more cash....at least for right now. Maybe later I will try the PS12.

I dunno how long it`ll be available, but if the cost is a consideration you might want to get Meg`s #16 for a topper instead of the P21s. It looks good over KSG on silver and it lasts a lot longer than the P21s; a can of #16 will literally last years. Just something to keep in mind if you do go shopping for a topper.

02-21-2005, 03:38 PM
give SFX-2 a shot first with its corresponding pad. It has good cutting action and might remove some if not all of the defects. If some remain, then follow with sfx-1. Personally, I found sfx-2 very effective at removing ight to moderate swirls and light scratches

02-21-2005, 04:12 PM
I agree on trying SFX2 first. SFX1 is a pretty abrasive polish that will most definitly leave marring/hazing behind and may actually be overkill for your paint`s condition.

02-21-2005, 06:50 PM
Thanks eclipsegt05 and TW85 HHI. I was planning on going over the scratches on the hood with #2 first, I just bought #1 incase #2 couldn`t get them out.

I thought of something else today too. When layering KSG I know you should wait 24 hours between coats, but can I drive my car within those 24 hours? I am planning on putting 3 to 4 coats on but I can`t do them all at once. Can I just wash the car and then apply another layer of SG another day?

02-21-2005, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by Cortez

When layering KSG I know you should wait 24 hours between coats, but can I drive my car within those 24 hours? I am planning on putting 3 to 4 coats on but I can`t do them all at once. Can I just wash the car and then apply another layer of SG another day?

Yep, that`s what I do with our minivan, which can`t be off the road for very long.

Sometimes I`ll also clay *very* gently after (or during) the wash. This ensures that I won`t be sealing in any contamination when I apply more SG.

Just add another coat of SG after each of the next few washes and you`ll be fine.

02-21-2005, 06:58 PM
Yes you can do that they driving part.

Prop on the silver tibby I`m sure it`s a blast I had a 2001 silver and it was uber sweet. even with the little four bangger. I really liked the seporated headlights more then your style . After that i got a sonata which was cool because i had a little one and needed the four door but there styling went up a galbillion fold from the first days of Hyandi

02-21-2005, 07:06 PM
Thanks again guys!

I am going to the race track this Saturday so I at least want one coat on there.

holland_patrick, glad to hear from a former Tib owner. Yes Hyundai`s styling has really started to impress with in the last few years. Have you seen the `05 Sonatas? Man they look sweet.

02-21-2005, 07:19 PM

How many cars do you have?

03-24-2005, 03:14 PM
Did a search and figured this might be the right place to ask this. Do you guys think SFX-3 polish is necessary if I already have AIO ?