View Full Version : Which is milder ?

02-19-2005, 12:22 PM
1z Mettalic polish or Megs #80, would either of these be considered a glaze ?

02-19-2005, 12:56 PM
I would say the metallic

02-19-2005, 01:11 PM
Yeah, the MP is *much* milder than the #80, especially if you`re talking about the pink, "consumer" version of MP.

#80 is a "glaze" in that it can be used on fresh paint without interfering with the curing.

MP is sorta like a "glaze" in that it has some fillers and is very, very mild. But IMO it`s much more like a cleaner wax and it shouldn`t be used on fresh paint.

02-19-2005, 02:51 PM
Thanks :)

When you say 1z is more like a cleaner wax, care to expand on that? Could you use it as the step before LSP such as P21s for example, or would #80 be more suitable for this purpose ?

Or could 1zMP (consumer) follow #80 as a LSP ?

02-19-2005, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Axe

When you say 1z is more like a cleaner wax, care to expand on that? Could you use it as the step before LSP such as P21s for example, or would #80 be more suitable for this purpose ?

Both #80 and MP polish mechanically (with abrasives) and both leave something behind (MP- wax, #80- "fresh paint safe polymers" and "trade secret oils").

I`d choose the #80 only if a) working with fresh paint and/or b) you needed more aggressive abrasives than the ones in MP.

The abrasives in MP are so very mild that IMO they are more for ease-of-use than for actual paint correction.

While #80 oughta leave a ready-to-wax finish, FWIW my best results have come from following my "marring removal" polishing with very light "burnishing" with MP.

FWIW, I like the look from MP better than that from #80 but I can see how #80 might look better on dark colors and some reds.

Or could 1zMP (consumer) follow #80 as a LSP ?

Yes it could, though the waxes in MP might not be long-lasting enough for you. I`ve never left it untopped, but I`d guess it`d last about a month.

I guess I`d try #80 to remove the marring. Then MP. Evaluate. Then try topping a small area with P21s. Evaluate. If OK, then continue with the P21S. If not, then just use some more MP to remove the P21S, and leave it with just MP while you consider your options.

02-19-2005, 03:55 PM

02-19-2005, 04:17 PM
MP seems similar to Vanilla Moose to me, so yes, #80 is more aggressive.

02-19-2005, 05:52 PM
I just recieved 1 litre of MP pro, I take it this has a bit more *bite* over consumer?


02-19-2005, 06:52 PM
PK1- Yeah, that`s right. And it contains less wax. It`s more of a (regular) mild polish, not a "cleaner wax"-type product like the pink, consumer MP.

FWIW, I *really* like the Pro MP, but it`s still very mild stuff. Far too mild to do any real correction on hard paint, for instance. Great follow-up to stuff like 1Z PP though.

02-19-2005, 07:08 PM
I`m going to use it as a "gloss enhancer" prior to my LSP, as soon as i`ve finished *heavy polishing*.


02-19-2005, 07:22 PM
PK1- Yeah, that`s the right idea :xyxthumbs