View Full Version : Waxing and Sealing over Oils

02-18-2005, 12:04 PM
It seems to me that trying to wax after using a polish like DACP would produce problems with the wax sticking to the paint because of all the oils left behind by a polish.

I was having durability issues with EX-P and I think it may be because I was using a polish before hand. When I tried DACP/EX-P I was only getting about 6 weeks of protection, maybe a little more. Right now I have just EX-P and I`m at two months and still working very well.

The instructions for Zaino say that you must wash your car with dawn after polishing to remove all of the oils before applying Zaino. It seems like this would improve the durability of all sealants and waxes.

What I`ve been doing lately to improve durability is polishing with a one step cleaner wax like AIO and then waxing over it. I seem to be getting similar results in scratch removal that I get with DACP and the finished product looks very good.

Has anyone else addressed this issue themselves?

02-18-2005, 12:19 PM
Waxing might not matter but sealant don`t like oils..

02-18-2005, 12:37 PM
From what I have read, the oils can prevent the sealants from bonding with the paint properly. However, a carnuba wax is OK since it does not bond with the paint, it is more of a physical barrier.

02-18-2005, 01:00 PM
From what I`ve learnt over the last couple of weeks, a polymer based product (SG/EGP) won`t bond to an oily product, but an oily product (so read most waxes etc) will be fine over a polymer. Where my confusion lies is that EX/EX-P are classed as sealants (and I therefore assume polymer), but most people seem to suggest using them over products like VM that is particularly oily!

If you`re worried about the potential bonding issues then using a paint cleaner (like AIO) after polishing and before sealing is a great way to ensure decent longevity. Alternatively, leave the sealant out and go straight to a wax such as Souveran.

I hope this makes sense, I think I`m finally starting to get my head round it myself!


Mad iX
02-18-2005, 10:36 PM
Yeah I get that feeling too. Haven`t been able to test it out for sure yet but from my limited experience, when I use NXT after #80/83 it doesn`t seem to last that long.

But if I use colorx before NXT then it`s a lot better, so I would think something like AIO before a sealant would work well.

02-18-2005, 11:50 PM
The bonding issue arises because the water based sealants and oils from polishes/glazes etc just dont mix - thereby creating the durability concern. Wax is basically an oil so that has no issues so to speak.

For me personally, my polishes are gnerally ended with the filler free Menzerna FP but I use AIO exlusively under a sealant ( NXT is the only exception, I personally feel that it is a waste ) to set as clean a base as I can and mix and match AIO/GEPC/VM under waxes.

02-18-2005, 11:55 PM
I`ve been using AIO as a base for sealants lately, seems to work out very nicely. Really goes well with Wolfgang`s sealant.

I`ve had good success with VM/EX-P or with PwC/EX-P, although Steve does recommend using Professional Polish with EX-P, so I imagine AIO would be excellent with it too.

02-19-2005, 12:31 AM
Before I was introduced to Meguiars DACP and Speed Glaze, I had been using the 3M polishes and compounds. Even before, I had no knowledge of what a non-filling and filling abrasives are. I just thought what the heck? It doesn`t matter because they all contain abrasives that cut through the paint.

But then I was wrong.

And your concern is what prompts me to retain the 3M line vis-a-vis Megs #83 and #80.

For Carnauba topper, #83 and #80 would be fine. For a SEALANT topper, I prefer 3M Scratch Remover, followed by Machine Glaze as the latter is filler-free.

02-19-2005, 01:27 AM
I`ve been going over this in my head lately too. I`ve got an order of #83 and #80 on the way...but after thinking about it...UPP is my favorite right now. So, bonding issue`s come into play.

I`m thinking now that maybe I should get the Poorboy SSR`s for use under UPP. Save the #83 and #80 for use under wax topper.

Would SSR 2.5 and SSR 1 be comparable to #83 and #80? I`m pretty sure about the SSR2.5 and #83, but which of the SSR`s is comparable to #80?

Also, is there a car wash soap(besides Dawn) that would be good for removing fillers before LSP instead of going the AIO route?


02-19-2005, 01:30 AM
You can wash the car down with a 50/50 isoporic alcohol/water mix. I`d just go with AIO though, every sealant I`ve used looks terrific over it.

02-19-2005, 07:24 AM
According to the folks at Meg`s all of their product are compatible. You can use their sealants directly over their polishes. This should be especially true of NXT as it has slight cleaning capabilities. I used NXT Tech Wax (two applications) after polishing with #82 Swirl Free Polish on my black Hemi last October. The NXT with the help of a few applications of NXT Spray Booster is still doing its job.

I think that if a person stays within one product line and follows the suggestions from the manufacturer, there should be no problems with sealants bonding over polishes. We are more likely to get into bonding problems when we "play" with stuff from different manufacturers. Folks, most of us are not chemists.:D

Tom :cool:

02-19-2005, 01:19 PM
Good point, Tom. I`ve found that NXT over #80 is a terrific combination.

02-22-2005, 02:30 AM
Quick question. I`m using AIO, KSG, and S100 combo. After applying KSG, do I have to wait at least 24 hours before applying S100? Also how long do I have to wait between layers of S100.

02-22-2005, 02:52 AM
"Quick question. I`m using AIO, KSG, and S100 combo. After applying KSG, do I have to wait at least 24 hours before applying S100? Also how long do I have to wait between layers of S100."

If you do a search you can find answers to these questions. I would probably wax over SG without waiting and then wait 24 hours in between layers of S100.

02-22-2005, 07:28 AM
"Quick question. I`m using AIO, KSG, and S100 combo. After applying KSG, do I have to wait at least 24 hours before applying S100? Also how long do I have to wait between layers of S100."

·Sufficient time should be allowed to enable cross-linking, 12 â€â€œ 72 hours is recommended before the application of further â€Ëœlayersâ€â„¢ or other products (i.e. a Carnauba or QD)

·Approximate cross-link period 60oF- 36 hours, 70oF-48 hours, 80oF- 24 hours (cross-linking is a function of / temperature / humidity / time
