View Full Version : Menzerna twins lingering

02-18-2005, 07:01 AM
OK I used the twins last weekend, stunning results(too dark to get pics) I taped off trim and windows, unfortunately there are quite a few seams in the car that I managed to cram alot of polish into. It was almost dark when I got finished up with the polishing Sunday eve and had to get it prepped and get a quick coat of sealant on for the week.

This weekend I have to get the stuff out before I get some more Zainos on it.

I did a search and it sounds like the bug and tar remover and a cheapo electric toothbrush are my best bet.

I tried a pencil eraser cut into a thin V to no avail.

Any advice will be appreciated.


02-18-2005, 07:14 AM
Mix up some isopropyl alcohol (drug stores carry quarts for about $4) and water in a 50/50 ratio. Use a very soft tooth brush, not an electric one.

Another option is to get some body shop safe paint cleaner - PrepSolve or Akrya Kleen - and wipe off with a MF dampened with a solution of those products. This will trash your finish, but they should get polish residuals off without marring the surface too much (better than a tooth brush!)

Eliot Ness
02-18-2005, 08:58 AM
Never heard of using an electric toothbrush, but even a regular toothbrush can sometimes cause marring if you`re not careful.

I would use a MF like Gonzo suggested starting with a QD or mild cleaner and working your way up (Klasse AIO might work as well). Sometimes you can use something like an old credit card and a MF to get into tight places. I also have a cheap detailing brush I bought a Wal-Mart, one end has a sharp hard rubber tip which if used carefully with a MF might also work. Good luck and be careful!