View Full Version : Educate the new guy

02-11-2005, 04:10 AM
a little history on me, I have a 2002 Mustang GT. I live in iowa so my car only gets driven about 8 months out of the year and most of that time it sits in the garage since I only drive it on nice, sunny days. I was reading over at svt performance about various waxes such as poor boys, and clearkote. I looked into some of their stuff and I was wondering what combination of things you guys would recommend? I don`t have a buffer or anything, I like to do everything by hand, since that`s what I`m comfortable with. I`ve been waxing my car with NXT all last summer since is affordable and leaves a good shine. But I`m just curious if there`s more to be had with other products. Also recommendations for towels would be great too. I`ve been using microfiber towels to take the wax off but I just got some from walmart and they just don`t seem to be the best. I don`t want anything too crazy or expensive but what would you guys suggest to really bring out the blue and really make it shine?

btw I think this site is great and really look forward to getting my car back out for the spring so I can really detail again.. and of course drive it!

here is a pic of my car right after nxt


Web Docta
02-11-2005, 07:30 AM
I`m pretty much of a newbie myself but I definately suggest that you start claying your car if you haven`t done so already. Also get a PC. You can do things so much better with a PC and it`s relatively safe to use.

The most important thing that I`ve learned here is that it`s not the wax or sealant that you use, the preparation is the most important thing. :up

Dvs Ndn
02-11-2005, 08:35 PM
well the best thing to do is to read the forums and since everyone has a preference on what they use the best thing is to try them yourself. which i know can be expensive, but if you get some friends involved you can each buy a different set and see which you like the best. My preference is Zaino but that was what got me interested in detailing.