View Full Version : Which products for thin paint

02-09-2005, 10:35 AM
I`m thinking of getting a pc and what to know which products to use with one for a Subaru Impreza, which has very thin paint.


02-09-2005, 12:26 PM
Welcome to Autopia!

In my experience the Subaru paint isn`t *so* thin that you have to use anything special. Just try not to mar it so you don`t have to polish it very often. I didn`t baby my WRX (i.e., didn`t use my extreme wash method) yet I only had to polish it once a year, after the ravages of winter. Same with the Outback we used to have.

I could do most correction with 3M PI-III MG (05937), only occasionally needing PI-III RC (05933).

02-09-2005, 12:42 PM
Welcome to Autopia :xyxthumbs

Alex Creasey
02-09-2005, 12:52 PM
Welcome to Autopia :)

What model have you got? I used to have a silver STI V2 and found the paintwork quite easy to work with even by hand. Like Accumulator said, shouldn`t need anything special just because of the paint may be a little thinner.

I guess the old rule applies: If it does need polishing start as light as possible and if that doesn`t work then work your way up the abrasive scale bit by bit, rather than go at it with anything to abrasive that may do more harm than good.


02-09-2005, 01:08 PM
I`ve got a my00 uk turbo. I`ve used Meguiars hand products, but now looking to move to a pc.

02-09-2005, 01:10 PM
I wonder if thats the Stu I know...Hi anyway

I`ll tell you what I use on my Impreza..

Poorboys SSR2.5,SSR1, Clearkote Vanilla Moose, Poorboys EX-P and Meguiars Mirror Glaze #16 Wax.

I apply the wax by hand, all the others are done using the PC and various Sonus Pads.


02-09-2005, 01:12 PM
Yes it`s me. you coming out tonight?
