View Full Version : 4*UPP v Zaino Z2

02-09-2005, 07:16 AM
Anyone that has used both these products care to make a constructive comparison between the two?

Also, does 4*GE maintain slickness as well as Z6?

02-09-2005, 11:25 AM
colche, that is a good question, have to admit I am curious on this one as well. like to see what everybody else has been using

02-09-2005, 03:26 PM
I haven`t used both sealants but I`ve used both QD. I`d say use whatever QD with your sealant choice, neither adds extra protection or softness. These two QD are mainly for smudge, light dust removal, to help with residue removal. They both are good products and both smell great but Z6 has the added benifit of being concentrated. I would say the price of UPP has been steadily going up. It was 14.95 and seamed to go up to 19.95 overnight, unless I`m mistaken. I`d wait until they have a sale on it, and they often do, if that`s what you chose. With the new Z2 I would say it would be hard to find something wetter, maybe as equally wet, but the new z2 is wet as a good nuba. I would like to see a fair comparison of Z2 and UPP for durabilty over long term. Two coats of each on the same panels, and maybe even one on each half of the hood.

02-09-2005, 07:34 PM
Burlyq - If Z6 and UGE are similiar products, I will definately like UGE as I`ve found Z6 really good. It seems to revatalise the gloss and slickness quick and easy when I haven`t got enough time for a proper Z2 layer.

You mentioned they offer no extra `protection` though? I have noticed that it doesn`t really make it bead extra is that what you mean? I would consider the UV protection, and slickness to be forms of `protection` though.

Also, does the recent UPP price increase have anything to do with re-formulations? Seems like UPP, like Zaino is constantly reformulated

02-10-2005, 01:34 AM
I like UGE too it is a good product with a nice smell. However, I dilute z6 at least 1 to 1 with water making it a much better deal for me. Also Z6 seams to make the surface of the car repel dust. Anyhow, both of these companies could have chosen to add protection to their formulas like a little carnuba or whatever protective ingredients are in their polishes, but they didn`t they mainly used gloss enhancers. Both enhance gloss nicely but they wouldn`t extend extra protection like some QD`s with added polymers. An example is like Final Detail by Dupont, it can be used as a QD or by itself it can wax a car after it`s washed. Is Final Detail better than Z6 or 4*, not in my opinion but it does offer protection. When you have a sealant like Zaino you don`t necessarily have to have extra protection but it would be nice. BTW, UGE is 3 bucks more more for 1/2 the size if you dilute the z6 like recommended. If you use it full strenth then UGE is still 3 bucks more for the same size.

02-10-2005, 03:18 AM
I was under the impression that UGE offered some sort of protection. It says the following on bottle...

"use between washes to extend the life of your wax or sealant coating."

02-10-2005, 08:39 AM
I`ve used both Z2s and UPP. UPP has any other sealant beat on initial slickness. The difference is after your first wash. IMO, Z2 and Z2 pro maintain their initial slickness after that first wash, and the second wash, and almost the third wash. Z6 brings back the slickness after that third wash and beyond.

I really do like the ease and look of UPP, but my time is pretty limited now, so I am with Z2 pro for the time being. You cannot go wrong with either one.

Pugoman, doesn`t the Zaino site say something similar about Z6? I use it at original concentration and it does seem to extend the slickness.