View Full Version : Product shelf life

02-08-2005, 02:16 PM
can someone run down the shelf life of some of the more popular products used (eg. AIO, #16, DACP, #80 etc).

How do you store products you`re stashing away for use at a MUCH later time?


02-08-2005, 03:17 PM
I have my spare cases of #16 and Collinite 476S in the same basement room where I store our wine :D I fully expect these waxes to be good long after I`m dead and gone (and I plan to be around for a good long time).

QDs seem to go bad first, especially if you expose them to temperature extremes. Leather treatments can go bad and vinyl/rubber dressings can get sorta funky too, especially if you don`t shake them up. But other products seem to have very long shelf-lives.

As long as you don`t let them freeze or get *too* hot, many products will last a very, *very* long time. I`ve used polishes that were over 10 years old with no problems at all. Used some Pinnacle PCL the other day that I bought around `91 and it was fine. If the bottle`s getting empty you might want to squeeze out some of the excess airspace though. I shake up my liquids from time to time, dunno if it`s really necessary. Paste wax can last almost indefinitely, at least if you keep the tins/jars sealed up properly. I have some Pro paste wax from the `70s that still seems OK and Mike Phillips says his #16 from the 60`s is fine.

I have had some Souveran and some Trade Secret go bad, but I blame the plastic jars and it`s possible I didn`t have them fully shut. And those waxes were in a warehouse that got *hot* in the summer, over 100F. Some #34 I had in the same building turned from pink and opaque to orange and clear, so that was a pretty extreme environment.

02-08-2005, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by Accumulator

I have my spare cases of #16 and Collinite 476S in the same basement room where I store our wine :D

Me too! :) I keep it with my father`s collection in the next room!

My stuff stays in a little room in my basement which is underground. It is dark and nicely cool with no major temp changes. That`s the key.

I have an ancient bottle of Turtle Wax Bug and Tar Remover (the best!) and ancient Blue Coral products that all work fine. That Bug and Tar Remover ain`t NOTHING like you can get off the shelf compared to today`s products.

Maybe once every 6 weeks, I shake all my products and keep the caps shut tight.

Also, the extra tins of #16, Blitz and Collinite are put through my vacuum sealer so they`ll last fir decades! I vacuum seal some other stuff that I may not get to for a couple years.

02-09-2005, 01:53 AM
Shelf life of mothers mag polish 20 years, no lie, lol. I had an old chevelle and I used Mothers and stored the Mag polish in 1984 and forgot about it...Went back looking through old stuff and there it was....looked like I just used it yesterday, no drying. I used up the can and promtly bought the huge economical size.

If your trying to store something on purpose I`d try putting plastic wrap under the top.