View Full Version : Has anyone ever used this?

02-08-2005, 01:10 PM
Saw this over at CMA and was curious if anyone ever gave this thing a shot. I can see a lot of downsides to it but maybe a few upsides too.



02-08-2005, 01:12 PM
Sorry, I stuck the link in there now. Thought I was going to post a pic of it but that didn`t work out at all.

02-08-2005, 01:19 PM
Mike... I wouldn`t use it myself for fear of the clay picking up something that would marr the paint before I realized what was happening. Claying by hand is one thing, but imagine the damage you could cause at PC speeds. This is just my opinion, on why I have never tried this product, maybe someone who owns one could chime in?

02-08-2005, 01:28 PM
Yeah, it looks too scary for me to try. Could you imagine if you hit a spot that wasn`t properly lubed? I could be imagining things that won`t happen, so I too, would like to hear from someone who owns one.

02-08-2005, 01:36 PM
Hey Everyone,

I have 2 of those at home. IMO they work great. I use soap water as a lubricant. Just mist the pad, mist the surface, I use the PC at 3, and go, very fast compared to doing it by hand.

02-08-2005, 01:42 PM
Eric.. does the clay stay in the pad OK when you go to close to an edge or clay over a curved panel? Do you notice any difference in result over claying by hand?

02-08-2005, 01:53 PM
It satys in the pad perfectly. After claying though, its good practice to remove the clayt and clean the vinyl the clay sits on with windex. I unfortunatrly didnt and after a couple of uses the vinyl the clay sits on gets all full of clay . Big mess. Whats nice about it is that using a pad, it provides constant pressure on the clay patty instead of using finger pressure which is not uniform. I did my wifes Envoy twice with it to test it out, my van, my bosses truck, my inlaws truck pretty much every vehicle I do i use it to start with a slick smooth surface. Whats nice is you can do glass also to remove bugs, dirt, debris on it.