View Full Version : Home carpet cleaning...

Preachers Sheets
02-07-2005, 04:40 PM
I put a bid down for a condo. The rugs are nice but I like to clean the place where I live as much or more than my car. I was thinking since I don`t have any furniture, when I first move in I go really clean the rugs with one of the rental machines from Home Depot or something. I really want to get them clean, make them look the absolute best I can.

Does anyone have any experience with this type of cleaning? I dont want to have to pay someone to do it, they never seem to take pride in their work; they plain out dont have to live there so they wont spend the time and effort that I would. They wouldnt understand why I am so picky. I`ve got detailing in my blood.

02-07-2005, 07:11 PM
Not one of the rentals, but we do have a Bissell steam (a.k.a. deep) cleaner. I just picked up some of the Bissell Deep Fiber Cleaning solution with Scotchguard at Home Depot and intend to use it on my wife`s Jetta for the next full detail.

While the home units aren`t quite as powerful as the extractors, or maybe even close, we were able to justify the purchase of it since I`d use it on the cars as well as the house. And they`re not terribly expensive, though they can get up there in price.

02-07-2005, 07:35 PM
depending on how think the carpeting is, sometimes the supermarket extractors aren`t powerful enough to get the water back out. just fyi - we`ve hired carpet cleaners before and it seems to be okay. not detail level clean, but a dramatic improvement over what stains were there before

Corey Bit Spank
02-07-2005, 07:40 PM
We have a hoover and it`s easy to use. :)

May want to get them professionally done the first time and thereafter use your own machine. The supermarket machines only go in one direction and i don`t know, made my back hurt.

02-07-2005, 08:17 PM
PM me.

The rental units are good (they need to be durable, by definition!)

Prespotting, shampoo selection, and a proper DEODORIZER are keys, that , with proper application, give the proper results.

Like detailing, it is all in the prep and the technician.

Odds are, you are not better than the "commercial cleaner", you just care more.

Learn his process and procedure. Now you are ready!


02-15-2005, 01:34 PM
Hey Jimmy Buffit, I too need to do some deep cleaning for my carpet (apartment). Any websites/info for a general howto? I`m thinking of doing the rental thing from a Safeway/Albertson`s.

edit: what do you think about Host? I think I can rent a unit from Sears

02-16-2005, 09:30 AM
FWIW, I have a buddy who has a carpet cleaning business and he has told me that the commercial cleaners are better at deep cleaning due to a few variables;

Hotter water (and more consitant)

Much more suction/extraction power

Better quality chemicals

I do not know how much is true and how much is industry hype but I do know that every time I have had the carpets professionbally done it is alot better than with out Bissel.

That being said, I think my buddies suggesiton was to have them done by a pro once/twice a year and use home machine for upkeep.

02-17-2005, 02:15 PM
I`d rent a quality extractor from a tool-rental store instead of from the supermarket! i rented one of those recently and they left the carpet very very damp!

Corey Bit Spank
02-19-2005, 04:06 PM
Hm, my mom just cleaned our carpets/applied scotchguard for under $20. Far cry from the $160 they were charging us.

She kind of wishes she got the bissel so she could attatch the scotchguard attatchment to the machine, but she figured out the rough dilution that the bissel uses and mixed it into a spray bottle. Looks really good.