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white tiger
02-07-2005, 12:38 AM
Hey, I`m a newbie and a starving student. I`ve been cleaning and waxing my car for a year now. So far, I`ve been using Meguiars and Mother`s products. They work well, but they take a bite out of my wallet. So I`ve been considering more affordable brands, and Eagle 1 caught my eye.

If I decide to use Eagle 1, I will probably buy their

1) WET Polish & Wax

2) 1-Step Leather Cleaner & Conditioner

3) Protectant (for the dash)

Has anyone used these products? I`ve read a lot of reviews about Eagle 1`s Nanowax, but not much about their WET Polish and Wax. I`d appreciate some thoughts.

02-07-2005, 01:13 AM
Check out this link.


02-07-2005, 03:53 AM
Whitey, old boy :welcome

The consumer is spoilt these days by the high quality of OTC one-step polish/waxes.

I don`t think you`ll be disappointed with any E1 product. I`m still using E1 products from 10 years ago and they`re still pretty good.

There are far better products as well, but you won`t be disappointed. Just be careful about getting it on the trim.

Alternative are are TW Ultra and keep your eyes open for Mothers close-out sales now that the new range is coming on board.

They are a good start for your Autopia journey. One day you won`t use them, but look back with fondness.

02-07-2005, 09:19 AM
I dont know about the polishes, but I use the Wax-as-u-dry and the A2Z wheel cleaner and find both to be great products!

02-07-2005, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by LightngSVT

I dont know about the polishes, but I use the Wax-as-u-dry and the A2Z wheel cleaner and find both to be great products!

Me too. :bigups

02-07-2005, 10:02 AM
- The car wash is top! :up

- 20/20 Glass cleaner is maybe the best in business, regardless of price and source.

- Nanowax looks great, and helps a lot with minor swirls. Only downside is durability, but it looks awesome while it is on the paint.

- wax as u dry is also a good product.

- Wipe and shine quick detailer is also very good.

Alternative: Turtle Wax Platinum Ultra Gloss, every bit as good if not better than nanowax and NXT, and cheaper. turtle ultra quick detailer also an alternative.


02-07-2005, 11:55 AM
Although what I am about to suggest has nothing to do with eagle one, it does have to do with your goal of saving money:

either nxt paste wax, or mother`s cleaner wax (paste). Both can be used in a single step without needing a separate polish (though nxt would benefit tremendously from one), and paste waxes generally will last you much, much longer than liquid waxes.

02-07-2005, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by raymond_ho2002

ieither nxt paste wax, or mother`s cleaner wax (paste). Both can be used in a single step without needing a separate polish (though nxt would benefit tremendously from one), and paste waxes generally will last you much, much longer than liquid waxes.

I diagree and agree.

First, the agree part: The mothers carnauba cleaner wax is very underrated, and a true all-in-one product. Not a bad choice!

Second, the disagree part: Not to start a flame war, but NXt paste is no better than turtle ultra paste. Neither of them is a true all in one, and the cleaners in the turtle ultra are even milder than NXT`s, so layering it doesn`t remove a previous product completely. With a nice clean surface both of them will look great (NXT shinier, turtle ultra glossier and deeper). Smell goes to NXT, application and removal goes to turtle ultra. The products are very comparable, but when you factor price the answer is easy: turtle ultra platinum ultra gloss. I use both NXT and turtle ultra regularly and I still don`t get what is so cool about nXT and what is so yucky about turtle wax (at least this turtle). Why the turtle ultra is not used more widely is beyond me....


02-07-2005, 01:12 PM
No offense intended, but how is Meguiar`s & Mother`s taking a bite out of your wallet? E1`s Wet & Polish Wax costs almost $10 whereas you can get Mother`s Carnauba Cleaner Wax for $5 at Walmart. Meguiar`s Cleaner Wax is also $5. Maybe the interior cleaning products cost more? I don`t know your location, so maybe there`s no Walmart in your area, but Mother`s & Meguiar`s products are very competitively priced. Maybe you should shop around a little. The one you`re going to might be ripping you off.

02-07-2005, 01:22 PM
I posted this comparison a while back

"Comparing the products considered the BEST at retail level (USA - Canada) these are my assesments. I have used NXT, TWPUG, Nanowax and mothers reflections quite extensively to do over 6 cars in the family. They are very close to each other, very good products and my overall rating would be as follows (top product is 100)

1) Reflections

2) Turtle Ultra - 97

3) NXT - 95

4) Nanowax - 94

That should give you an idea of how close they are to each other. Breaking up by categories.


1) Reflections

2) NXT - 97

3) Nanowax - 96

4) Turtle Ultra - 94

Depth / Gloss

1) Turtle Ultra

2) Nanowax - 97

4) NXT - 95

3) Reflections - 93

Durability (no Zaino/Klasse/collinite killer here.... They are all beauty waxes , durability measured by slickness, water beading, easiness to remove dirt after a month)

1) Reflections

2) NXT - 94

3) Turtle Ultra - 92

4) Nanowax - 90

Smell / Aroma (YMMV, as the top 3 have well defined smells that may appeal to diferent people. Only the turtle doesn`t have a target smell)

1) Reflections

3) Nanowax - 98 (fruity)

2) NXT - 97 (citrus)

4) Turtle Ultra - 90

Aplication / removal

1) Reflections

4) Turtle Ultra - 97

2) NXT - 90

3) Nanowax - 87

Swirl mark hiding

1) Nanowax

2) NXT - 95

3) Reflections - 92

4) Turtle Ultra - 90

Slickness 24 hours after application

1) NXT

2) Reflections - 95

3) Nanowax - 94

4) Turtle Ultra - 92

Value for the money (excluding rebates)

1) Turtle Ultra

2) Reflections - 93

3) Nanowax - 91

4) NXT - 86

Preparation is only a wash, dry and Mothers pre-wax cleaner. I haven`t tried claybar or polish yet


02-07-2005, 04:46 PM
Great comparison Alex. :bigups

imported_Larry A
02-07-2005, 04:51 PM
I wonder were the new Mothers Reflection and FX will fit in the picture.

02-07-2005, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by AlexRuiz

I diagree and agree.

First, the agree part: The mothers carnauba cleaner wax is very underrated, and a true all-in-one product. Not a bad choice!

Second, the disagree part: Not to start a flame war, but NXt paste is no better than turtle ultra paste. Neither of

Whoops, I should have clarified; I meant to say that paste waxes get you more applications per dollar than liquid waxes; not that they are necessarily more durable or better in any other respect (though durability is usually slightly better). For example, you get 20 applications out of a 16oz bottle versus 40 applications out of a can of paste.

I never liked nxt liquid, and I`ve never tried using the paste version. It seems that more people like it than those that dislike it, so statistically speaking the poster is more likely to like it. =P Plus it seemed to fit the criteria of being affordable with at least *some* cleaner in it.

I don`t see how fast one can blow through a single can/bottle of wax in college, though, especially since students own only one car. And if you owned more than one car, then the cost of wax wouldn`t be an issue. My best suggestions would be to spend the extra $10 for a dedicated polish/wax system, like sepc/s100. Assuming 40 applications per s100 and 12 applications per sepc, you get to wax almost every month and polish every four months for the entire duration of college.

02-07-2005, 10:12 PM
I really like Eagle One`s 20/20 glass cleaner, like Alex, I believe it is one of the best glass cleaners on the market. The tire swipes are also really good as is their car wash soap.

I haven`t used any of their waxes in about 10 years, so I really can`t comment on what they currently have on the market.

02-07-2005, 10:45 PM
I have used Eagle One Wet Car Wash and their Wipe and Shine QD Spray. Both products are excellent and I use them often. I especially like the car wash as it is very slick, provides lots of suds, and leaves the surface quite glossy.