View Full Version : Autoglym Extra Gloss protection

02-06-2005, 11:39 AM
Does it add anything to the look of the Super Resin below it for you?

I have been using Autoglym for the last 10 years and through this something has always had me thinking about this.

Autoglym market this product as Extra Gloss Protection.

Purely on an appearance side of things after polishing with Super Resin and them applying extra gloss, there does not seem to be any `extra gloss` is this me not being able to see any difference, is there no difference, maybe down to the colour of paint?

I have tried the combo on most colours, red, white, light & dark blues, silver, gold, metallic grey and black. One one colour a dark green one my old car I actually preferred the look of Super resin before the extra gloss.


The surface always feels more glass like and slick after the application of the extra gloss so it is doing something.

Put my thoughts to the test this afternoon and did dome half and half panels on my dad`s car and in look no difference just a more slick, glass like feel to the paint on the EG side.

Is the EG purely for protection? The EG is said to be a lot more durable than the SRP so is this purpose?

I cant comment on durability as I cant ever force my self not to top it, and cant go more than a month before trying something else on my paint anyway!

02-06-2005, 11:49 AM
SRP is an outstanding stand-alone product, as you`ve discovered.

EGP does improve protection and slickness (which also augments protection).

I find EGP also provides a cosmetic improvement. On dark blue or black I find it darkens the colour noticably, but also improves depth on most other colours. Slightly softer look but wetter. Must be the carnauba component.

BTW, the pug looks glossy!

Nick M
02-06-2005, 11:54 AM
I used the SRP and EGP combination about five weeks ago on my silver car and I noticed the same findings as yourself.

I washed, clayed and dryed the car on the Saturday morning. I then hand applied the SRP to all panels and left to `cure` for about an hour whilst I carried out regular checks on oil, washer fluid, tyres etc.

I then applied the EGP directly over the hazed SRP, again to the whole car and left to dry for about 2 hours, then buffed off by hand, which came off very easy and minimised the SRP known downside of dusting.

The finish was smooth and slick and made the silver quite bright, but did not really look `much` different to when I have applied SRP on its own, although it was better.

The EGP (even the one coat) provided some decent protection and made washing the car the week after very easy.

However, last week I washed the car it looked as if the car could do with a bit more `something` on the surface, so I applied a coat of P21s Carnauba and the difference was amazing.

Having said that, I will always have a place for EGP as it is so easy to apply and remove, just needs to cure for a while.

BTW, the finish on that 305 looks spanking, was it the Special Edition model, as that BRG was pretty rare if I remember?

02-06-2005, 12:06 PM
I have litres and litres of the EG and will always use it on other peoples and familys cars for the protection. Its just played on my mind thats it does not add anything to the look tho.

Cheers for the comments on the car. The pic is poor as it is a scanned pic from print taken in 2001 well before I had a digi cam. It was a limited edition car 1 of 398 ever made. Half 5 door half 3 door. The special editon known as Goodwood had met. green paint very alike to BRG, a set of graphite wheels with a polished rim, full leather, wooden momo steering wheel and gearknob, cd player and chrome trim and special badging.... a car I wish i never sold!

02-06-2005, 02:55 PM
I have to say that I think the EGP product does add to the look.

I like SRP - it has decent cleaning qualities and whilst it leaves a good slick and reflective finish, I don`t think it it very glossy or at all `deep`. (this is on my 2001 BMW 3-series in titanium silver).

But the EGP adds considerable depth as well protection (imo) - and can be layered to look even better. I also think that EGP gives solid durability where SRP can fade quite quickly. My missus has a 2002 Audi in Silver - I just used SRP on it and no EGP. The SRP faded after just a couple of washes whilst my BMW is still beading strongly now having not recieved a coat of EGP since november and it is washed weekly.

02-06-2005, 09:55 PM
having used the AG twins many times, i do think that the EGP does darken the finish (i have a dark blue metalic) considerabily. and adds heaps of slickness to the paint. however, i have only applied one coat, then topped (souveran).

however, this week i`m going to apply three coats then top. see how it looks then!!! :D:D i`ll report back.

02-07-2005, 03:12 AM
The morning after observation. The half of the car extra glossed still looks exactly the same. The suface is most definatley a lot slicker, the over night dew rolled of the car in a few seconds on the EG side, it took a lot longer one the SRP only side. It is slick and water repelant.

02-07-2005, 03:08 PM
A very interesting question and one I had not considered. I have not thought about the Gloss effecting the shine but merely thought about the protection it (Extra Gloss) offers.

However, as I type this, I do have a feeling I have noticed some darkening of the paint with the Gloss. If the weather is ok this weekend I will try a quick experiment.

Just to mix up threads, Rich, what are the pro version of Gloss and Resin?

02-07-2005, 03:16 PM
Pro Version of Super Resin is Radiant Wax Polish 12

Pro Version of Extra Gloss is Liquid Hardwax

Both look smell and work the same. and all seem to be the same, tho out local AG guys says liquid hard wax is more durable than the EG, nothing to prove it though.

If there is any darkening to the paint I have found it very slight. Going to revist and do a whole car at the weekend if the weather allows too.

WD Pro
02-08-2005, 07:48 AM
Hi guys,

Does either SRP or EGP have any swirl hiding ability ?

I am thinking of using on the GF`s car for long lasting protection and I dont have time at the moment for a full detail. (silver Puma)


WD :xyxthumbs

02-08-2005, 09:06 AM
CMA have said there is some minor swirl hiding with Autoglym but I have not noticed (or looked for) any glaze type filling

02-08-2005, 09:36 AM
Lowe & Rich, for me it was the same. I felt the look of the EGP a little bit empty, however it has deep, positive glow. I`ve always topped it with something more shiny. I was always disappointed, because (according to the word formula) I was expecting Extra-Gloss and Protection instead of the extra Gloss-Protection. Now, whenever I want a deep, glowing appearance, I use EGP, but I like the shinier sealant look a bit more.