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02-06-2005, 09:31 AM
I can never get these streak free. TW or EO glass cleaners. Using clean MF or newspaper.

Man......the one time I did get them streak free and MINT was when I experimented with one of those surgical wipe towels I swiped from my doctors office. Now those were good.

Newspapers are good to scrub the windows if you have grime. My they tent to lint. With the MF`s, I just spray & wipe and then followup with a dry MF and still streaks. Looks good when I`m doing it as it`s usually my last step and there`s no sun. Just woke up this morning to streaky windows...ARGH :mad:

02-06-2005, 09:49 AM
I have had great results with Stoners IG. No streaks at all. Some times I get dew on the outside windows in the morning but when the dew evaporates the window are still streak free.

*edited to add the following*

Do you use fabric softener on your MF`s by any chance? I use vinegar instead of fabric softener in the wahing machine this insures that the MS`s rinse clean. When I used towles on the window they would streak like crazy. I am pretty sure it was the fabric softener.

02-06-2005, 09:53 AM
How much product are you using and are you spraying directly onto the glass or pad.

02-06-2005, 11:04 AM
For my own car I use Stoners on the inside and once clean just a wipe with a damp MF followed by my WW MF.

The outside is strictly the WW.

Customers cars all get Stoners in and out with a paper towel ..results are excellent.

02-06-2005, 02:29 PM
My favorite method is spraying the windows with IG then wiping them with a blue Scott shop towel that I`ve folded twice. No lint, no streaks, just clean glass!

If you like those doctor`s office towels, then you may like these - http://www.winnerscircledetailingproducts.com/CandyPress/scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=20

02-06-2005, 02:42 PM
i can clean mine with basic glass cleaner and a kitchen towel..

02-06-2005, 03:14 PM
Glass Cleaning Cloth:

This (Norwex) Microfiber glass cleaning cloth has a super tight knit, lint free, cross-weave construction traps and collects water and is so effective (use damp) at cleaning glass that often a glass cleaner chemical (Stonerâ€â„¢s Invisible Glass) isn`t even necessary. It features a very low-pile cut in a zigzag pattern, which literally attracts and removes off gassing, residue, smudges and oily fingerprints. Its efficient cleaning action is truly a time saver. (detailersparadise.com)

Paper towels and newspaper are formulated with adhesives, which class cleaners will break down leaving a tacky reside and paper â€Ëœlintâ€â„¢ on the glass surface. The inks used in newspaper print are now water-based (unlike the older oil-based they will not polish glass) But they will stain your hand black (they dissolve with body heat) so be careful what surfaces you touch after handling newspaper (fabric, leather, plastic, etc) as they may stain.


02-06-2005, 03:43 PM
I have the "surgical towels" from winner`s circle (on sale for a buck) and use stoner`s or sprayaway with no streaking. The nubby quality of the towels (huck type weave) makes them a great choice and I think they could be used for interior work as well. They are very absorbent and thin enough to get into tighter places. Interior buffing of dressing products would still require a good quality MF in my opinion. For high volume, pro detailers, I found a web site that sells these towels at secure.cartsvr.net. They sell new, 16X26 towels for 28.50/50 towels with a color choice of white, green or blue. Used (in hospitals) towels are 48.75 per 25lb box/150 towels. I would think a couple towels and some good glass cleaner could be sold as a nice little kit cheaply and still make a little profit or one could be given to customers as a very inexpensive "complimentary" gift. I don`t know if such things are really pratical, since I`m a hobbiest at detailing....it`s just a couple of thoughts that crossed my mind when I came across the site. I also find these towels to be very low lint.

Bill D
02-06-2005, 03:53 PM
I see one can order IG by the case or by the gallon. I wonder, what, if any, difference in performance may be present if it is sprayed via a regular spray bottle or pump cooking oil spray bottle from the gallon vs. the individual aerosol can :nixweiss

02-06-2005, 03:56 PM
add some (1 tbl spoon) white vinegar to water inside a sprayer of some kind. Spray on window and wipe off with WW or MF towel. Totally streak free, almost cost free, and certainly effort free.

Bill D
02-06-2005, 04:00 PM
Yeah, sometimes vinegar or even a vingear based glass cleaner can do it ( I have Clear Power in the stash). IIRC, you have to be very careful of vinegar cleaner around aftermarket tinted windows though.

02-06-2005, 04:02 PM
Ya know...I never thought about vinegar in a bottle. Dug

That`s exactly how I go about in when I do the house windows. I`m talking the entire window frame also and not just the glass and it`s ALWAYS streak free :D

FWIW, the MF`s are clean, extra rinse cycle and I do pour some vinegar in the 2nd to last rinse cycle every time I was . I don`t use powdered detergents or softner.

Big Casino
02-06-2005, 09:42 PM
Easy with the vinegar on tinted windows....

02-06-2005, 11:04 PM
Bill D.

Just out of interest. Where did you find 1 gallon bottles of IG? I always feel guilty using aerosol cans and since I apply it to the cloth I would prefer putting it in a spray bottle that I can control the spray pattern.

All I could find were Aerosol cans, single or by the case, and 5 gallon bottles on Stoner`s site.


Ben Z.
02-07-2005, 02:38 AM
I`ve followed up a cleaner with a very slightly damp microfiber towel, seems to remove any streaking for me.