View Full Version : Is it too much?

02-05-2005, 11:22 PM
Hi everyone, I have a question ever since I started detailing and caring for my own vehicles Ive noticed that Im just not satisfied with just regular weekly washings. I always go all out to make my car look good. Is there such a thing of waxing your car too much? I mean will waxing three times a month ruin your paint ? When I took my car to get serviced at my dealer they said I should only wax my car three times a month. I gave them this look like yea right if only you knew. I have a japanese car so you know the paint is soft . Anyways I would appreciate anyones input on this.

02-05-2005, 11:41 PM
It depends on the wax. Some waxes contain a lot of abrasives to clean the paint, but can cause damage if used excessively.

02-06-2005, 12:04 AM
Using a cleaner wax or paint cleaner (both have some abrasives) you would have to use them 24/7 for a long, long time before youâ€â„¢d remove a significant amount of paint.

Using a wax I don`t think you`d make any difference at all


02-06-2005, 02:36 AM
Naaaa! What products do you use? I suggest using a 100% Carnuba wax like P21S or Pinnacle. They don`t have cleaners so you adding coats/protection. I was wondering what products you use to see if your cleaning your paint correctly. You can`t be happy with your shine if your waxing your car almost every week. I used to be like that, but if you spend 3-4 days propely cleaning your paint you can have 6 months of great shine.

So what do you use?

02-06-2005, 05:36 AM
there are two concepts of paint cleaner 1.) chemical cleaner, and 2.) abrasive cleaner.

just avoid the latter. as JonM posted, you would have to use the first type of cleaner 24/7 for a long time before you can abrade your paint.

or just use a pure wax (one without either chemical or abrasive cleaners)

02-06-2005, 01:01 PM
Even (very) mild abrasives such as those in 1Z MP and WPS won`t wear out your clear with frequent use.

Generally, most "cleaner waxes" are not abrasive enough to worry about (an exception that comes to mind is Meg`s #66). As noted, most of the "boutique" waxes popular here are totally nonabrasive.

Note that most people at dealerships are woefully ignorant when it comes to detailing. Even those at "high end" dealerships.

With softer paint, you *do* have to wash carefully to avoid marring though.

02-06-2005, 02:17 PM
If you`re using a pure wax...

Wax and wax and wax and wax and wax again.

You`ll be fine. There are no abrasives or cleaners in a pure wax, so there`s nothing that could do any damage.

02-06-2005, 02:58 PM
I wash my vehicles every 2 days or more,by hand always. I top coat my ford every few weeks,mainly trying different products. After the vehicle is properly clayed,polished,and protected,it`s just maintenance to me. A clean car is a happy car. I have recent pics I will try to place on the proper page of this site.

02-06-2005, 10:02 PM
I really really try to stay away from abrasive polishes. They only benefit is when you have a paint blemish. You can restore shine with non abrasive polishes or cleaners. I normally just clay, paint cleaner, & AIO.

I`m not really fond of wax with cleaners. Both wax and cleaners have different ways to apply them, so I can`t see how you can get the best possible shine with them. But it`s easy and quick and that`s why people by them.

Two guys at work come to me and tell me they have the best product. One step wax stripper and polisher. OH MY GOD! This thing was crap. First I looked at the guys car and it was not looking good. Dull paint & swirls on black, not good. He was bragging "oh i just did it this weekend looks nice, huh?" I was trying to be nice. Notice I sayed trying. My friend and I asked what did you use. He said a product that strips the old wax, dirt, and dull paint. Yes he said dull paint. I think he meant polish, because he said polish later. THen he said he used Meg`s Gold Class. The stuff was literally removing the clear coat, layer by layer. I was reading the bottle and it had a warning not to use it "often" then in quotation "twice a year". He said he uses it every month during the spring and summer. My friend and I where laughing so hard, because how ignorant he was. I asked him if he read the label he said yeah. Then he read the part I did and he said, "oh no, that`s why it looks kinda weird". I said, "I thought you said it look really nice". Unreal guys. That they sell products like that over the counter. I can`t remember the name of the stuff but I will ask him tomorrow. I joke with him asking him if he wanted me to teach him how to read after I detail his car. I didn`t have to use a abrasive polish to get out the swirls. I just thing when he was applying to "greatest product" it swirled the car. From not applying it right or from rubbing the dirt into the paint. Man, I can`t remember the name of that stuff. Anybody know? Or care? :sosad

02-07-2005, 12:06 PM
I use Pinnacle, Adams butter wax, and Nxt have yet to try P21s. I have a Night hawk black pearl.

02-07-2005, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by audipower

THen he said he used Meg`s Gold Class. The stuff was literally removing the clear coat, layer by layer. I was reading the bottle and it had a warning not to use it "often" then in quotation "twice a year". He said he uses it every month during the spring and summer. My friend and I where laughing so hard, because how ignorant he was.

I think gold class is quite mild; i`ve never found it to be abrasive at all. I`ve never heard other users mention it, either. I`m almost positive that gold class is not the root cause of his bad paint condition.

I didn`t have to use a abrasive polish to get out the swirls. I just thing when he was applying to "greatest product" it swirled the car.

How did you remove the swirls?

02-07-2005, 10:59 PM
If the dealer said polishing, well, maybe. But a wax, cleaner or not, wont hurt your car. Cleaner waxes defeat your purpose, if you are layering, but just Carnuba wont hurt it at all, unless we speak of build up, which isnt IN the paint, but on it, and can be stripped.

02-08-2005, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by raymond_ho2002

I think gold class is quite mild; i`ve never found it to be abrasive at all. I`ve never heard other users mention it, either. I`m almost positive that gold class is not the root cause of his bad paint condition.

No no no. Not Meguires. I said he also uses Meguires after that stripper stuff. I`m not the greatest writer, I`m the worst. Sorry for my lack of writing skills. The stripper is his problem not the Gold Class. Wow I said stripper was his main problem. If you have a wife it can me, ha ha ha. Nobody said I was funny. Oh they guys going to look what the name of the stuff is so I will find out tomorrow.

How did you remove the swirls?

AIO gets out about 60% or more of my customers. My customers swirls are normally from bad car washing. If you work with AIO like polish it gets them out. Meaning, working a small area. It took me some practice before getting it, but it`s worth it when your not taking away clear coat.

Sorry again! :xyxthumbs