View Full Version : I got my car back...

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Corey Bit Spank
02-03-2005, 11:46 AM
It looks good, but...

The rear door lock is messed up. It won`t lock with the power system (just kind of jiggles) and it stuck fairly high up.

And then I noticed I cannot lock the doors from inside with the power switch. I have to get out and use the key fob which is quite stupid. It locks them, then unlocks them.

So it has to go back. :mad:

02-03-2005, 11:59 AM
No good.

What happened initially?

02-03-2005, 01:11 PM
bummers. hopefully that`s the only problem.

Corey Bit Spank
02-03-2005, 01:22 PM
Guy run red light=smashed accord. :(

02-03-2005, 05:51 PM
Does your car have factory remote locking, or is it aftermarket???? If its aftermarket, it sounds like the locking motor is out of alignment, which should be an easy fix... if you need any help PM, I am a car audio & security installer

Corey Bit Spank
02-03-2005, 06:53 PM
it`s factory.

02-03-2005, 10:43 PM
Body shops never get everything right the first time. It is necessary to have patience when dealing with one.

Corey Bit Spank
02-04-2005, 03:35 PM
I noticed the passengers side trim is off too, the part that covers half of the seat belt :( Gotta get that fixed toooo

And well, the inner door parts were painted flat black from the factory and they painted them body color on the new side. I`m not going to complain though because only I would notice that.

02-04-2005, 06:09 PM
This is true. Get a peice of paper and a clipboard and go over the car from front to back, write down everything thats not right, I mean EVERYTHING, if a peice of trim is crooked, write it down, spec of something in the paint, write it down, then drop it off at the bodyshop and have them address everything on the list. Tell them about the flat back door inserts too, you`re the only one that would notice and you`re the only one that matters. That will bug the hell out of you, it would me. I had the front bumper repainted on the Explorer one time and got into an argument in the guy because he clearcoated the grey trim on the bumper and its supposed to be matte, made him repaint it and he didn`t like that but it clearly didnt match the trim on the sides.

Always do this whenever you have work like this done on a house, a car, yourself (hey, you never know lol). My fiance`s boss just had her house rebuilt after a fire, and her contractors dread the roll of blue tape. She sticks blue tape on EVERYTHING thats not right, crooked outlets, nicks in the walls etc. Nothing wrong with asking that things be done to your specifications. I figure for, what did that cost? $5000? Car should be perfect. Same goes for $50,000 work on a house or $25,000 boobs lol

Corey Bit Spank
02-05-2005, 09:51 AM
Yup. Just under 5k.

But I don`t want to be a ***** about it :(

Corey Bit Spank
02-05-2005, 03:52 PM
Oye ve the handle they put on is kind of crappy. It has a long chip in it. And the trim around said door handle isn`t straight.

Am I being too picky? I shall take pictures and let you all decide.

02-05-2005, 04:04 PM
No you are NOT being to picky or a ***** about it! It is YOUR car and it should be fixed to YOUR likings not the bodyshops. If something is not correct or looks like crap (even the smallest of things) make them fix it or you are not going to be happy. Like goodnclean said it will bug the hell out of you.

02-05-2005, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Corey Bit Spank

Yup. Just under 5k.

But I don`t want to be a ***** about it :(

Your not the only one who thinks they are being a ***** for complaining about the quality of the work. I would say most people do and thats why body shops continue to do crap work. If more people did what Goodnclean suggested (I do) these body shops would have no choice but to improve the quality of their work. If they didn`t they wouldn`t be in business long. This goes for any business that does garbage work.

Corey Bit Spank
02-05-2005, 05:09 PM
The passenger side door has a really bad but there`s no way to prove when this happened. Luckily it is low (below the bump strip) and that side has many dings, so it isn`t bothering me too much.

But what did bother me was me having to fix the passenger window to go into the seal. They had it all wrong. (the window got suck down when they took the drivers door off...actually both windows worked until they did that haha). But now that I fixed it....

For some strange reason I now have a new windshield. :nixweiss It wasn`t damaged in the accident. Maybe the State Farm estimator felt like giving me a present?

Setec Astronomy
02-05-2005, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Corey Bit Spank

For some strange reason I now have a new windshield. :nixweiss It wasn`t damaged in the accident. Maybe the State Farm estimator felt like giving me a present?

They probably broke it by accident and told the adjustor it had been cracked in the accident and they didn`t notice at first. The only (thankfully) time I had my car in the body shop it wasn`t done on time because all of a sudden they had to replace the radiator. I asked them what they were talking about because the radiator was fine. They told me the tube for the overflow tank was broken in the accident and the ins. co. was paying for a new radiator. So I guess the rad. fell over in the shop and broke the tube off, cuz it was fine when I left the car there.