View Full Version : Now I really hate cats...

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T. Perinne
01-26-2005, 07:25 PM
Warm shwarm... I don`t care how cold it was out there. I accidentally left the garage door open last night, this morning I had cat paw prints all over the Mustang. Portions where the pads of the feet touched left scuffs. Claws left scratches as it tried to walk on the curved portion but apparantly fell off (see slick finish). My question - I used 3M PI-IIM MG not 4 weeks ago by hand - can I do it again now by PC? All horizontal surfaces are going to need it. I`m just worried about using an abbrasive like the 3M again so soon.


01-26-2005, 07:41 PM
I don`t see why not. You could have used it again immediately after the first application. It`s not like the clear coat `thickens` over time :)

Get a BB gun ;)

imported_The Uncle
01-26-2005, 08:00 PM
A BB gun seems like a fairly aggressive approach to surface problems. I`d try the 3M polish first.

01-26-2005, 08:03 PM
Originally posted by The Uncle

A BB gun seems like a fairly aggressive approach to surface problems. I`d try the 3M polish first.

:rofl :rofl

You should put sticky paper on the car. When they step on it, they get it stuck to their paws. I only reccomend this if you have a car cover on.

T. Perinne
01-26-2005, 08:10 PM
I was just weighing either leaving the marring from the cat, or using an abbrasive polish sooner than what I thought was recommended.

I`ll think about the BB gun :)

imported_The Uncle
01-26-2005, 08:58 PM
Maybe you should try and use the cat as a buffing pad. That will keep him from marring the car again.

01-26-2005, 09:01 PM
I hope the BB gun remark is a joke. There is never an excuse for animal cruelty.

01-26-2005, 09:05 PM
Your right maybe just a swift kick to the mid section.

Marc Hufnagel
01-26-2005, 09:12 PM
That is a very offensive image above this message. I call for it to be removed. Moderator notified.

01-26-2005, 09:14 PM
wow, just like in elementary school, a tattle tale, need a tissue? and for someone named hellspawn, you would think...

Marc Hufnagel
01-26-2005, 09:15 PM
No just a little human decency, unlike you demonstrated.

01-26-2005, 09:15 PM
like i said noob, it was not my picture.

imported_The Uncle
01-26-2005, 09:17 PM
C`mon guys. Autopians are a nice well meaning bunch. I personally have (and adore) a 17-pound tabby.

We`re just joking around here. :)

Marc Hufnagel
01-26-2005, 09:17 PM
Doesn`t matter, you posted it. I`ll not fall further to your leading in this pi$$ing match. It was inappropriate, was removed and end of story.

01-26-2005, 09:19 PM
Okay I am offended by your username, hellspawn aka devil worshipper, moderator notified.