View Full Version : getting rid of the beer smell...

01-24-2005, 10:09 PM
Yeah, that`s right, my car smells like beer (and no, I`m not an alchy ;) )

Well, the story is, i left beer in my trunk and I forgot about it. With the frigidly cold temperature over the weekend, the beer fizzed all out and spilt all out into my trunk.

LUCKILY!!! I have an OEM trunk tray in my trunk so it caught all the beer. :p

But not so luckily, my 12 bottles of beer (Sleeman Honey Brown) are not salvagable. :(


So, question is, how do I get rid of this smell (with household products)? If a cop pulls me over, it`s over.

Right now, I`ve opened up my windows with a little crack.


01-24-2005, 10:16 PM
Sprinkle the trunk with baking soda. Let sit over night and vacuum. Shampoo, vacuum and Fabreeze.

All are pretty common household items and should do the trick.

01-24-2005, 10:29 PM
Thanks NozeBleedSpeed! I`ll try that.

C. Charles Hahn
01-24-2005, 10:41 PM
if that doesn`t work, go to a specialty detailing site that sells odorbombs (usually to get smoke odors out of interiors) and use one of those to refresh the interior. :xyxthumbs

imported_Jon P. Nusbaum
01-24-2005, 10:45 PM
Although not household, the best odor remover I have found is Valugard`s Odor Eliminator (www.autoint.com). It actually removes the odor and leaves no fragrance behind, just a nice, clean smell.

Last time I bought it, it was like $7.50 for a 32oz. bottle which should last awhile (even with regular monthly use).

The baking soda and Febreeze should also do a great job.

01-25-2005, 06:24 AM
Originally posted by NozeBleedSpeed

Sprinkle the trunk with baking soda. Let sit over night and vacuum. Shampoo, vacuum and Fabreeze.

All are pretty common household items and should do the trick.

Baking soda works with smelly shoes too!:D

01-25-2005, 05:30 PM
Axe, thank you for solving a great dilema for me, the direction of rotation of the prop on the BMW logo, cw.:bow

Vast quantities of beer and poppers have been consumed pondering this mystery, usually during summer evenings on bike appreciation night.

What to contemplate next? turbo shaft or recip??:nixweiss

Then again, it could have counter rotating props..........

01-25-2005, 07:55 PM
damnit, my car still smells like beer. actually, it smells like a drunk slept in my car or one of my friends puked in it. :(

01-25-2005, 08:12 PM
Go to the "Big D" web site and find a distributor of their products in your area. They have good and cheap odor bombs. You can make them into a spot spray with a nozzle off another can. If you have problems finding, PM me, i have the number at work, of someone in Ont. Wynn`s also has some, but alot more expensive. And i seen something simular at Can. Tire.

Also an old trick is to leave a bowl of vinegar overnight. Make sure you don`t forget to take it out before you drive, or you might be posting again.

01-25-2005, 08:15 PM
Oh also, good choice on the Sleeman`s!

Detailing NY
01-25-2005, 09:10 PM
did it soak into carpeting?

If so, get some meguiar`s all purpose cleaner PLUS, spray it down on the carpet and brush it in, then use a wet dry vac and suck it up.

If you need a really go odor remover, but don`t want to go looking all over the place, send me your address or somewhere i can mail you odor remover. *no charge*, i just don`t want to see you get pulled over and in a jam for no reason. I will send you enough to remove the odor. I have tons of it in my house and need to get rid of some


01-25-2005, 10:31 PM
NY detailer, not very very much soaked into the carpet. less than a cup full got out when i removed my trunk tray (and dripped, slopped into the carpet). Many thanks... you have pm.

Sleeman`s IS great beer. I think i might see if i can still drink this stuff. definitely beats any american beer. :ca ;)