View Full Version : Please let it be spring!! (salty car pics)

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01-24-2005, 12:00 AM
Well I have set a record for myself. Car not washed for over a month now, and won`t be washed till it gets above freezing. (last winter I froze my inclined driveway and could no longer stand next to the car :doh )

I happen to love driving in the snow, and my dunlop graspic ds-2`s are doing a fine job. but as you can see its probably the worst thing I could do for staying clean short of driving into a swamp.


notice the salt crystalizing patterns... :doh


Atleast you can still see the #16 topped AIO shining through up front :up

01-24-2005, 12:20 AM
Haha, looks identical to mine right now. Except mines black. :(

I`m kind of excited to clean it though, haha.

01-24-2005, 12:23 AM
Its sometimes fun to get it all dirty just so you can turn around and detail it and actually have a reason!!

01-24-2005, 01:15 AM
:( :( :(

My car`s been in the garage for the weekend all clean with a fresh coat of Paste Glaz....but I have to take it to class tomorrow, and it`s going to look like that :(

01-24-2005, 12:15 PM
Yeah, thats about what mine looks like, but it too is black.... luckily I have some trim at about the middle of my door, so it doesnt get much higher than that.

01-24-2005, 12:26 PM
My girlfriend`s looks worse. It`s terrible. There is almost no sign of an actual color. It`s just brownish-white. If you look at the roof, then you see the blue.

Good Luck with the cleanup. Hers will take a while :)

C. Charles Hahn
01-24-2005, 01:12 PM
durrr..... I hate this weather. Especially since I have never done a full detail on my truck -- it`s been too cold ever since I got it. :sad:

01-24-2005, 02:17 PM
:( That`s pretty bad, hope you can clean it up soon.

01-25-2005, 06:47 PM
here`s mine (kinda a repost).





can you see my layers of z2 topped with two layers of collinite 846?

*wishing for a warm weekend*

01-26-2005, 01:08 AM
Well i never, using my (salty) name in vane

01-26-2005, 01:47 PM
lol :p

01-26-2005, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by zaius

here`s mine (kinda a repost).


*wishing for a warm weekend*

Ha- mine looked like that AFTER I spent $3 giving it a quick pressure-spray last night. I still have the dirt marks onthe windshield where the wipers don`t wipe...

good enough for now, I guess.:nixweiss

01-26-2005, 05:19 PM
it was above freezing today so I leaped on the chance to change my oil.

Got that done and thought, well I`ll just hose it off... hehe, you all know how that goes.

Let me just give a :up to #16. The grime came off really easy, like two light swipes. Then I went :shocked when I hit the first washed pannel with the hose. The soapy water film just got cut into a million little beads.


01-26-2005, 08:07 PM
Winter sucks.

I got the Jeep washed yesterday finally. The truck got clayed about 2 weeks ago, but I haven`t been able to put any sort of protection on it since. I`m kicking myself for it now. Mom`s car is covered in salt from the waist (side molding) down :(

01-26-2005, 08:23 PM
Speaking of salty car pics..

Just saw this on a 350Z forum...Makes me cringe...:angry :angry
