View Full Version : stubborn stains...

01-20-2005, 05:38 PM
A few of my friends have some stubborn stains on their car, and knowing my obsession with detailing - asked my advice.

I tried AIO and Meg Paint Cleaner on it but it wouldn`t come off. They are...

i. Egg white stain on white paint, and a bit over the black trim...left for about 1 week. Exterior had no protection it, left a darker overtone to the paint.

ii. Oil tank leak on grey CC paint. Exterior had some wax on it (didn`t help), it has left an orangey running stain where it trickled down the body of the car.

What are some products/processes I can try to get rid of this?

01-20-2005, 06:18 PM
Since it`s a localized area, try a little Meg`s #80 by hand with a microfiber.

01-20-2005, 08:28 PM
Scratch X might help also maybe some ISO/water? It may have eaten into the paint and if so I don`t know unless you wetsand it out?

01-21-2005, 11:28 AM
Gas is a Petroleum type stain, remove with a solvent

Egg is a Acidic protein stain, remove with an alkaline

Due to the time elapsed I would try a solvent on both these stains (with the egg stain they may also be some surface etching that will require an abrasive polish to level
