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01-17-2005, 10:38 PM
Like usual, I am going to make you wait until the end for the best! :p

2004 Acura MDX. This one should be a good durability test for Shokar`s sealant. This guy has his car washed 5-6 times a week! In addition, he is right near an interstate that is being widened (I-30 for those in the DFW Metromess) so it gets a lot of dust on it regularly as well.

Shokar Multi-prep with a blue Propel pad and Shokar sealant by hand.




2001 Mazda Miata. Works at the same office as the owner of the MDX, but I don`t think he washes his nearly as often. He had been very pleased with the PwC/#16 combo the last time (applied mid September) and here in mid January, it was still beading nicely and had noticable slickness.

Shokar Multi-prep with a blue Propel pad and Shokar sealant by hand.




01-17-2005, 10:40 PM
Awww...the Porsche pics aren`t posted yet! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v415/mtodde/smileys/crying.gif

I love the color on the Miata...don`t think I`ve ever seen it on a Miata...you see a lot of Z3`s that color. It really looks nice & electric.

01-17-2005, 10:45 PM
2004 Lexus SC430. I had used PwC and Souveran the last time, still looked real good. I wanted to try Shokar on this car to see how it looks on red. Turned out pretty good, the owner was really pleased. Too bad for me I dropped the glass bottle of the Shokar multi-prep carrying it back to my car. :( I had put the sealant in a 4 oz plastic bottle, but didn`t have another one for the polish.

Shokar Multi-prep with a blue Propel pad and Shokar sealant by hand.


Not sure what those white specs are, either something got on my lens or on the negative when it was being scanned for the CD. :nixweiss



2005 Porsche Carrera. Picked up on Friday, I got my hands on it on Sunday. :)

Very excellent shape, no visible swirls or scratches.

Klasse AIO with a blue Propel pad and Shokar sealant by hand. Pics ended up being so-so. He had promised to take his kids for a ride in it and his 5-year-old was having a complete melt-down while waiting, so no time to move the car into either complete shade or sun.




01-17-2005, 10:48 PM
A couple shots of my car:

Snatty`s #1600 down the side:


Meguiars #80 with a green Propel pad, AIO with a blue Propel pad and Shokar sealant by hand.


1 Clean WS6
01-17-2005, 10:49 PM
Beautiful details Scott!! :xyxthumbs

Honestly...I would be having a meltdown just like that 5 year old if I had to wait to go for a ride in that Porsche. :D

01-17-2005, 10:57 PM
Mike-what I really didn`t get was the parents. The wife is really hot to trade her black GS400 in for a Cayenne S and she wants black again and asked my opinion on black Porsche paint. I said it is really good, but I really don`t recommend that people with young kids get black cars because kids tend to be a bit careless around cars. She said her kids were really good around them...then turned and had to stop her 5-year-old from wacking the side of her GS400 with his toy rifle. I really hope that image is burned into her brain when she is looking at Cayennes. ;)

01-17-2005, 11:03 PM
Gorgeous work Scott! :bow

That second Miata shot looks super wet.

"then turned and had to stop her 5-year-old from wacking the side of her GS400 with his toy rifle"

:shocked That`s an advert for birth control in my book.

01-17-2005, 11:17 PM
Lee-not bad for a sealant, eh? The Shokar stuff is absolutely goof proof. I really hope eShine decides to carry it.

01-17-2005, 11:53 PM
What is "Snatty`s #1600"?

01-17-2005, 11:55 PM
Hehe Are those undressed tires? Or the lighting :nono :shocked

01-18-2005, 12:05 AM
Originally posted by SilvaBimma

Hehe Are those undressed tires? Or the lighting :nono :shocked

are you talking about scotts car? cause in the second pic the sn makes them look undressed but in the first pic, the top of the tires looked dressed.

great work scott. all the cars look great! i would love to have some long term info on this sealent. great work!


01-18-2005, 12:13 AM
Originally posted by Inzane

What is "Snatty`s #1600"?

40% Meguiars #16, 40% S100 and 20% Natty`s melted slowly over low heat and combined. Just as easy to use as S100 is, as wet as Nattys and hopefully with #16`s durability.

SilvaBimma-it had been about 10 days since I had dressed the tires, including one day of driving in the rain. It was 40 degrees out, I had just finished the Porsche and was waiting on a friend of my brothers to bring her Expidition by for me to detail. I was in no mood to bother dressing the tires again.

Vernon-I have Shokar on my own car and a weekly customers, so I should have no problem tracking the durability...although I will probably top mine with Snatty`s. I really like how Shokar looks, very wet and reflective, but it still doesn`t have the depth I prefer on black.

01-18-2005, 02:46 PM
Scott: Looks great :)

The Shokar Twins seem to be proving themselves. The red Lex looks great...Any chance of a sun shot in the future? I am a stickler for red ;)

Of course I love the MDX, Sage Brush Pearl rocks!

How do you like Shokar on your car? Looks a bit bright compared to what you`ve had in the past.

01-18-2005, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Scottwax

40% Meguiars #16, 40% S100 and 20% Natty`s melted slowly over low heat and combined. Just as easy to use as S100 is, as wet as Nattys and hopefully with #16`s durability.

u gotta let me know about the durability of that combo... :D the cars look great... is that porsche a 05? when does the new body come style come out? seans right.. that color on the mdx is sick...

nice job on the details.. i hate you and your weather though ;)

01-18-2005, 03:42 PM
awesome work scott. shokar looks good on those colors.