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01-17-2005, 05:15 PM
ok i`m a newbie at detailing. this is my first time using polish and all that (before it was all just hand wax and that was it)

i`m about to polish my car using meguiar`s #7 show car glaze. on my PC, what should i set the speed at and do i just let the product work itself in or do i just need to spread the polish around my car? I used colorx prior to this step and it took me a long time because i was trying to fill the car and remove some of the scratches. now its polish time so do i need to work the product in again/

btw, my hands are tired. lol.

01-17-2005, 05:19 PM
Well from personal experience #7 is not worth working with. It really doesnt do anything to your car besides providing a wet looking surface for a few days at the most. Its primary use is for people in car events who want that extremely wet look for the show. Other than that I dont think theres anything to it.

Also what exactly are you wanting to do? Scratches, swirls, oxidation?

I have also found that ColorX is not good at scratches but works awesome on oxidation.

01-17-2005, 05:23 PM
yea. i had #2 for removing swirls but i`m not the best at rotary so i returned it. the colorx i had left in my cabinet for a while so i decided to use it. it removed all my fine scratches and swirls though!.

#7 was given to me as a gift. I gotta make use of it (going to sell the other car soon so hopefully the buyer will be in shock for an old car. lol.

but i`m going to test the #7 anyways and top it off with #26 hi-tech wax. durability isn`t an issue as long and it dosen`t fade overnight. lol. i`m experimenting with combinations of stuff so i want to see which one works best for me.

so do i just apply the polish? or do i have to work the polish in?

01-17-2005, 05:24 PM
Welcome acura92:wavey . First I would slow down and do a lot of reading in the learn section as it will answer most if not all your questions. Then if you still have questions, and you will, post your questions. Take your time this is not something you will learn instantly. Enjoy

01-17-2005, 05:26 PM
opps. forgot to say. this is my 3rd username. autopia keeps on losing my name. lol. anyways thanks for the welcome!

i used the search button already yet there aer 30+ pages that deals with polish. lol.

just a yes or no answer and i`ll be fine for now (well before dust builds up on my car again).

01-17-2005, 05:27 PM
Well here is a great tutorial on how to use #7


Use your hand and an applicator for both 7 and 26 as it is easier in my opinion. #7 and 26 is a very nice looking combo just wont last long at all.

01-17-2005, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by CutNAction

Well here is a great tutorial on how to use #7


Use your hand and an applicator for both 7 and 26 as it is easier in my opinion. #7 and 26 is a very nice looking combo just wont last long at all.


thanks everyone!

01-17-2005, 05:38 PM
ok now i have a questions. i read it and it says #7 will only last a few days. with that said, if #7 is reduced or gone within a few days, does it mean that the #26 will also?

01-17-2005, 05:49 PM
I have #7, it isnt worth using unless you have a show car, or a hot date.

as far as i am concerned, #7 would only be placed ontop of my sealent or wax. I dont want something like that underneath something that costs $20 bucks for 16 oz.

Megs blurs the words "polish" and "glaze" and "cleaners"

Most people, if you say the word POLISH to them will think- removing something to make the surface shiney. Megs calls that a cleaner.

Megs markets polish, and it really is something that sits ontop of the surface to provide depth, shine and sparkle.


01-17-2005, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by JBM

I have #7, it isnt worth using unless you have a show car, or a hot date.

how did u know? :D

next time i`ll probably try it without #7.

what would you guys recommend that adds a lot of depth? (wax, polish, whatever)

no zaino please. i`m broke as i already am. lol

01-17-2005, 06:10 PM
NXT. About the best stuff you can hop in your car and bring home.

01-17-2005, 07:01 PM
I`d offer an opposing view regarding #7. I`ve used #7 for about 10 years and find that if you want the deepest, wettest look #7 will clearly help you get it. I have #7 in my arsenal and still use it on SS paint. Medium to dark SS colors look especially stunning with #7 under #26. I always use it before a show.

I still use #7 or #81 to get that really wet look. Durability of the look largely depends on the LSP you seal it with. I find it lasts reasonably well under #16, #26 or NXT. #7 (Show Car Glaze) does not need to be worked in like a polish containing diminishing abrasives. Wipe it on a panel or two and then remove.

To see if you like the look try doing half of your hood with #7 and half without. Apply your LSP and see if you can notice the difference between the two halves. Since you already have the product, let your own eyes be the judge.

01-17-2005, 07:23 PM
I agree with you jfelbab, #7 provides exceptional looks.

I used my bottle up, and was pleased with the look, but i dont have a show car, so i wont be buying another bottle.

Someone who wants the absolute best looking finish should use #7. If they want to put that on a daily driver, well thats up to them :) It will be the ultimate though :)

01-17-2005, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by JBM

NXT. About the best stuff you can hop in your car and bring home.

i have that already. i was going to use it on top of the #7, but i didn`t like the idea of the cleaner taking some of the #7 off. #7 was a biotch to take off. I think i spent 1 hour trying to get it out. lol.

if #7 wasn`t so hard to remove, i`d use it everytime, but i guess i`ll use it only for that special occasion.

btw i did finish it. i used colorx to take out some of the oxidation and swirls with a cutting pad, the used #7 with the polishing pad and #26 with the finishing pad. I took out the colorx and #7 by hand with MF, but number #26 off with the MF bonnet. After that, i used a clean MF to wipe down all the dust.

now next question, what can i do so keep it looking the way it is (or close to it) without having to keep on applying wax/polish/etc. I know nothing last forever, but I want something that will look like what I have now (or better) but last a bit long.

Will a quick detaling spray thing help maintain the looks?

01-17-2005, 09:37 PM
Well, i would use up what you have, or not, and order some AIO and something like SG or UPP. You will get around 3-6 months with that.

Or wait till the beading is weakening and switch over to NXT. Coupled with the booster wax, it will last moderately well.