View Full Version : When to replace PC pads?

01-13-2005, 10:07 PM
When do you guys know it`s time to replace your PC pads? Do they diminish in size or do they just not work as well?

01-13-2005, 10:54 PM
I believe the pads actually fall apart, or the velcro begins to fall off of the pad.

I haven`t had any pads fail on me yet, but I`ve only had them for about 6 months.

01-14-2005, 07:35 AM
Some of the first pads (LC variable contact`s) I bought 18 months ago are starting to show signs of wear and tear. Because of use, I think the foam is breaking down internally, because from what I see, the polish migrates from the anti-spatter cup in the center outwards radially and starts streaking on the surface of the pad where it curls up on the outside inch or so of the pad - there is no "dribble" line from the cup to where the radial lines of product show up so it has to be migrathing THROUGH the pad. As soon as this happens, the product starts spraying everywhere.

When I switch to a brand new pad, the problem disappears...

01-14-2005, 07:49 AM
I generally will replace a pad when the velcro performance starts to diminish. I probably polished about 75 cars this year rotating between 4 different polishing pads. I find that after awhile the velcro will not start to hold very well on speed 6 which is when I rotate out to a new pad...at least for the vertical surfaces of the car. Even my oldest pad still works OK though up to speed 5. without problems.

The pads I`m refering to are the Lake Country 6.5` (7.5 across the face) pads with the recessed cup for the backing plate to sit in.